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SCIENCE RANGE PUBLICATIONS is a Hub for Scientists, Technologists, and Researchers

Who work together to bring a much better tomorrow for the human race. We aim to provide researchers, analysts, technologists, professors, and students with modern and present-day research in a wide range of disciplines to facilitate the research reviews, ideas, and exchange of expertise, knowledge, and information among individuals in the scientific community.

With Science Range Publications we take away all barriers that old publication models to match with the pace of the twenty-first century and therefore provides the stupendous worldwide analysis of research work. We guarantee the distribution of the latest developments and research discoveries to the whole scholarly community.

Articles published by our team are freely available to the scientists, professors, students, and researchers. All manuscripts published by us are peer-reviewed by an eminent editorial board of the respective journal.

Science Range Publications empowers everyone to take advantage whether to share the results of your research as widely and as quickly as possible, to meet the citation building or international promotion and recognition. Make your paper immediately and permanently available online through Science Range Publications.

Our goal is to assist and promote the distribution and publication of advance scientific research globally. Our services are differentiated by the scope of research issues and ideas, through our comprehensive experience and singular focus on the research sector. is one of the key events that highlights our commitment to legal research and its global dissemination.

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Our Services

Partner with Science Range and Publish your Article with Trust and Confidence

Choosing the right publisher is the important and hardest decision an author will make. We recognized that our authors are everything of WHAT WE DO and we are devoted to providing the full support, resources, help and guidance to succeed.

We provide our services which help in making publication process easier from submission of manuscript till its availability on site and its indexing.

We Also Provide Services In

Journal Suggestion: Choose the right journal for your research.

e-Proofing: Helps in making editing easy, expedites the proofing process for faster publication.

English Language Editing: Authors not good at English must review their articles using an English editing service. Our editors also help in correcting language errors (grammar mistakes, rephrasing of sentences, etc.) and make them more professional. Provide us your document and we will edit your article by an editor who specialized in that field. Our prices start at $350 and the article will be delivered within a week.