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Instructions For Editor-In-Chief

To become or to arrive at the position of Editor-In-Chief (EIC), it takes years of experience in writing, correcting, editing and management. Editor-In-Chief sometimes called Executive Editor is responsible for whole publication which includes the actual process of publishing, vision, strategy or policy, and budgeting and financing. Once you reach to the Executive level, you are probably an expert in one particular industry, and to become Editor-In-Chief you have to stay in that industry.

What is the Criteria to Become an Editor-In-Chief?

  1. If you have a degree less than PhD, you are not instantly rejected from becoming Editor-In-Chief.
  2. You have to complete your degree or you might have pretty much professional industry experience that will replace a particular educational background.
  3. EiCs have to produce high-quality content in accordance with the editorial consent of publication.

How to Apply for Editor-In-Chief?

Editor-In-Chief is appointed for three-years, with the possibility of every year renewal policy. At the end of the year Board evaluates the progress of EiC and the status of publications, and if EiC shows willingness for next year, will consider its reappointment. At this time Board also asks from EiC about statement summarizing the exact situation of publications, accomplishments, and plans for next year.

  1. To become EiC you must meet the criteria of EiC and then visit www.scirange.com.
  2. Go to that specific Journal in which you are an expert or login to your account.
  3. Click on Apply For Editor-in-Chief and fill the required application form.
  4. Board evaluates your application and will approve you to become EiC.
  5. EICs are acknowledged for their services and also get the number of benefits.

You can be EIC of only one Journal and be specified according to your area of expertise. Please e-mail at [email protected] for any query or assistance.