Faculty Member at Department of Marine Science & Advisor at Department of OceanographyDr. ABHIJIT MITRA
Dr. Abhijit Mitra, Associate Professor and former Head, Dept. of Marine Science, University of Calcutta (INDIA) has been active in the sphere of Oceanography since 1985. He obtained his Ph.D as NET qualified scholar in 1994 after securing Gold Medal in M.Sc (Marine Science) from University of Calcutta. Since then he joined Calcutta Port Trust and WWF (World Wide Fund), in various capacities to carry out research programmes on environmental science, biodiversity conservation, climate change and carbon sequestration. Presently Dr. Mitra is serving as the advisor of Oceanography Division of Techno India University, West Bengal. He has to his credit about 475 scientific publications in various National and International journals, and 36 books of postgraduate standards. Dr. Mitra is presently the member of several committees like PACON International, IUCN, SIOS etc. and has successfully completed about 16 projects on biodiversity loss in fishery sector, coastal pollution, alternative livelihood, climate change and carbon sequestration. Dr. Mitra also visited as faculty member and invited speakers in several foreign Universities of Singapore, Kenya, Oman and USA. In 2008, Dr. Mitra was invited as visiting fellow at University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth, USA to deliver a series of lecture on Climate Change. Dr. Mitra also successfully guided 32 Ph.D students. Presently his domain of expertise includes environmental science, mangrove ecology, sustainable aquaculture, alternative livelihood, climate change and carbon sequestration.
Area of Interest :Marine Science
Academic Information :Ph.D. as NET qualified scholar (1994) --- Science
Associated Jounals | |
International Research Journal of Biological Sciences | Editor-in-Chief |
- Mitra, Abhijit; Ghosh, Phani Bhusan and Amalesh Choudhury. A marine bivalve Crassostrea cucullata can be used as an indicator species of marine pollution. Proceedings of National Seminar on Estuarine Management, 1987, 177-180.
- De, T.K.; Mitra, A and A. Choudhury. Studies on phytoplankton and productivity around Sagar Island and Prentice Island, Sunderbans. Proceedings of National Seminar on Estuarine Management, 1987, 327-329.
- Mitra, A; Mukhopadhyay, B; Ghosh, A.K and A. Choudhury. Preliminary studies on metallic pollution along the lower stretch of the Hooghly estuary, West Bengal, India. Proceedings of International Symposium on Marine Pollution, 1990, 241-249.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Choudhury, Amalesh and Yusuf Ali Zamaddar. Effects of heavy metals on benthic molluscan communities in Hooghly estuary. Proceedings of the Zoological Society, 1992, 45, 481-496.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Choudhury, Amalesh and Yusuf Ali Zamaddar. Seasonal variations in metal content in the gastropod Cerithedia (Cerithideopsis) cingulata. Proceedings of the Zoological Society, 1992, 45, 497-500.
- Mitra, Abhijit and Amalesh Choudhury. Seasonal variations in metal content in the gastropod Nerita articulata (Gould). Indian Journal of Environmental Health. NEERI, 1993, Vol. 35, No. 1, 31-35.
- Mitra, Abhijit and Amalesh Choudhury. Heavy metal concentrations in oyster Crassostrea cucullata of Sagar Island, India. Indian Journal of Environmental Health. NEERI, 1993, Vol. 35, No. 2, 139-141.
- Mitra, Abhijit and Amalesh Choudhury. Trace metals in macrobenthic molluscs of the Hooghly estuary, India. Marine Pollution Bulletin, UK, 1993, Vol. 26, No. 9, 521-522.
- Mitra, Abhijit. Metallic pollution in the Hooghly estuary: Effects and proposed control measures. Journal of Indian Ocean Studies, Society for the Indian Ocean Studies, 1993, Vol. 1, No. 1, 49-53.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Trivedi, Subrata and Amalesh Choudhury. Inter-relationship between trace metal pollution and physico-chemical variables in the frame work of Hooghly estuary. Indian Ports, 1994, 27-35.
- Mitra, Abhijit and Amalesh Choudhury. Dissolved trace metals in surface waters around Sagar Island, India. Journal of Eco-biology, 1994, Vol.6, No. 2, 135-139.
- Mitra, Abhijit and Amalesh Choudhury. Heavy metal concentrations in oyster Crassostrea cucullata of Henry’s Island, India. Journal of Eco-biology, 1994, Vol.6, No. 2, 157-159.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Trivedi, Subrata and Amalesh Choudhury. Inter-relationship between gross primary production and metal accumulation by Crassostrea cucullata in the Hooghly estuary. Pollution Research, 1994, Vol. 13, No. 4, 391-394.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Ghayasudin Md. and Amalesh Choudhury. Heavy metal concentrations in oyster Crassostrea cuttackensis of Henry’s Island. Indian Journal of Environmental Health. NEERI, 1994, Vol. 36, No. 3, 205-208.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Choudhury, Amalesh and Deepak Basu. Trace metal concentration in vegetative parts of Ipomea pescarpes. Indian Journal of Environmental Health. NEERI, 1994, Vol. 36, No. 2, 119-123.
- Chakraborty, K; Mitra, A; Sanyal, T and Amalesh Choudhury. Role of bio-geochemical variablesin the sedimentation of Hooghly estuary, India. Coastal Zone Conference, Canada’94, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
- Trivedi, Subrata; Mitra, Abhijit; Gupta, Ananda; Chaudhuri, Abhijit; Neogi, Soumya; Ghosh, Indranil and Amalesh Choudhury. Inter-relationship between physico-chemical parameters and uptake of pollutants by estuarine plants Ipomea pescarpes. Proceedings of the seminer : On our environment: Its challenges to development projects, American Society of Civil Engineers – India Section, 1994, pp. SC-1 – SC-6.
- Chaudhuri, Abhijit; Mitra, Abhijit; Trivedi, Subrata; Gupta, Ananda and Amalesh Choudhury. Phosphate and nitrate status in the east coast of the Indian sub-continent. Proceedings of the seminer: On our environment: Its challenges to development projects, American Society of Civil Engineers – India Section, 1994, pp. AC-1 –AC-9.
- Gupta, Ananda; Mitra, Abhijit; Trivedi, Subrata; Chaudhuri, Abhijit and Amalesh Choudhury. Simple statistical approach to understand the fate of pollutants in the Hooghly estuary in different seasons. Proceedings of the seminer : On our environment: Its challenges to development projects, American Society of Civil Engineers – India Section, 1994, pp. AT-1 – AT-6.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Trivedi, Subrata; Chaudhuri, Abhijit; Gupta, Ananda and Amalesh Choudhury. Non conventional method of controlling heavy metallic pollution. Proceedings of the seminer : On our environment: Its challenges to development projects, American Society of Civil Engineers – India Section, 1994, pp. AS-1 – AS-9.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Trivedi, Subrata; Chaudhuri, Abhijit; Gupta, Ananda; Chakraborty, Kalyan; Sanyal, Tapabrata and Amalesh Choudhury. Comparative study of heavy metal accumulation by different mangrove plants. Proceedings of National convention on Environment of India – Challenges for the 21st century. Institution of Public Health Engineers, Calcutta (India), 1994, pp. T-III/9 – T-III/14.
- Chaudhuri, Abhijit; Mitra, Abhijit; Trivedi, Subrata; Gupta, Ananda; Neyogi, Soumya and Amalesh Choudhury. Ecological monitoring of water quality in relation to pollution. Proceedings of National convention on Environment of India – Challenges for the 21st century. Institution of Public Health Engineers, Calcutta (India), 1994, pp. T- VII/26 – TVII/30.
- Trivedi, Subrata; Chaudhuri, Abhijit; Mitra, Abhijit; Gupta, Ananda; Singh, Bhrigunath and Amalesh Choudhury. A case study on the loss of biodiversity during prawn seed collection from the Hooghly estuary, India. Proceedings of National convention on Environment of India – Challenges for the 21st century. Institution of Public Health Engineers, Calcutta (India), 1994, pp. T-IX/32 – T-IX/36.
- Gupta, Ananda; Mitra, Abhijit; Trivedi, Subrata; Chaudhuri, Abhijit; Chakraborty, Kalyan; Sanyal, Tapabrata and Amalesh Choudhury. Trace metal concentrations in the vegetative parts of Portarecea coarctata. Proceedings of National convention on Environment of India – Challenges for the 21st century. Institution of Public Health Engineers, Calcutta (India), 1994, pp. T-IX/38 – T-IX/42.
- Mandal, Timir Baran; Mitra, Abhijit; Trivedi, Subrata; Gupta, Ananda; Chaudhuri, Abhijit; Jamadar, Yusuf Ali and Amalesh Choudhury. Comparative study of the growth rate of Penaeus monodon in relation to physico-chemical variables and trace metals. Proceedings of the National symposium on Aquaculture for 2000 A.D., Madurai Kamraj University, Madurai (India), 1994, 77 - 80.
- Trivedi, Subrata; Mitra, Abhijit; Gupta, Ananda; Chaudhuri, Abhijit; and Amalesh Choudhury. Observations of water quality before the shrimp farming through musselwatch programme. Proceedings of the National symposium on Aquaculture for 2000 A.D., Madurai Kamraj University, Madurai (India), 1994, 81-85.
- Chaudhuri, Abhijit; Mitra, Abhijit; Trivedi, Subrata; Gupta, Ananda and Amalesh Choudhury. Community organisation of macrobenthic molluscs at the southern most part of Sagar Island, India. Proceedings of the National symposium on Aquaculture for 2000 A.D., Madurai Kamraj University, Madurai (India), 1994, 175 – 179.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Trivedi, Subrata; Gupta, Ananda; Chaudhuri, Abhijit and Amalesh Choudhury. Effects of heavy metals on oyster population in the Hooghly estuary. Proceedings of the National symposium on Aquaculture for 2000 A.D., Madurai Kamraj University, Madurai (India), 1994, 181 - 195.
- Gupta, Ananda; Mitra, Abhijit; Trivedi, Subrata; Chaudhuri, Abhijit; and Amalesh Choudhury. Dynamics of zinc concentration in the edible oyster Crassostrea cucullata of Sagar Island, India. Proceedings of the National symposium on Aquaculture for 2000 A.D., Madurai Kamraj University, Madurai (India), 1994, 197- 202.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Trivedi, Subrata; Gupta, Ananda; Chaudhuri, Abhijit; Bag, Manigrib; Ghosh, Indranil and Amalesh Choudhury. Balanus balanoides as an indicator of heavy metals. Indian Journal of Environmental Health, NEERI, 1995, Vol. 37, No. 1, 42-45.
- Trivedi, Subrata; Mitra, Abhijit; Bag, Manigrib; Ghosh, Indranil and Amalesh Choudhury. Heavy metal concentration in mud skipper Boleophthalmus boddaerti of Nayachar Island, India. Indian Journal of Environmental Health, NEERI, 1995, Vol. 37, No. 1, 42- 45.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Banerjee, Shivaji; Jamaddar, Yusuf Ali and Amalesh Choudhury. Interrelationship between environmental parameters and metal level in the body tissues of the gastropod Cymia lacera (Born). Journal of Ecobiology, 1995, Vol. 7, No. 1, 19-25.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Trivedi, Subrata; Chakraborty, Kalyan; Sanyal, Tapabrata and Amalesh Choudhury. Bio-diversity study in and around Nayachar Island, West Bengal, India. Indian Ports, 1995.
- Mitra, Abhijit and Amalesh Choudhury. Causes of Water pollution in prawn culture farms. Journal of Indian Ocean Studies, 1995, Vol. 2, No. 3, 230-235.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Trivedi, Subrata; Chaudhuri, Abhijit; Gupta, Ananda and Amalesh Choudhury. Distribution of trace metals in the sediments of Hooghly estuary, India. Pollution Research, 1996, Vol. 15, No. 2, 137-141.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Misra, Amales; Singh Bhrigunath; Trivedi, Subrata; Gupta, Ananda; Chaudhuri, Abhijit and Amalesh Choudhury. Biodiversity loss due to intense wild harvest of prawn seed in mangrove environment of Sundarbans, W.B., India. Proceedings of the National symposium of Perspective in biodiversity, The Zoological Society, 1996.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Niyogi, Soumya; Basu, Subhabrata and Amalesh Choudhury. Strategies for preventing biodiversity loss due to wild harvest of prawn seeds in West Bengal. Proceedings of the International seminar on EEZ, International law and fishing in the Indian Ocean. Society for Indian Ocean Studies, 1996.
- Aich, Amitava; Mitra, Abhijit; Niyogi, Soumya and Amalesh Choudhury. Seasonal biodiversity of ichthyoplankton in relation to dissolved trace metals, salinity and nutrients around Sagar Island, W.B. In: Advances in Environmental Science (Editor C.S.P. Iyer) Educational Publishers and Distributors, 1997, 121-124.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Niyogi, Soumya; Aich, Amitava and Amalesh Choudhury. Seasonal variations of trace metals in the mangrove associate algae inhabiting the Nayachar Island, W.B. In: Advances in Environmental Science (Editor C.S.P. Iyer) Educational Publishers and Distributors, 1997, 125-130.
- Niyogi, Soumya; Mitra, Abhijit; Aich, Amitava; and Amalesh Choudhury. Sonneratia apetala – an indicator of heavy metal pollution in the coastal zone of West Bengal (India). In: Advances in Environmental Science ( Editor C.S.P. Iyer) Educational Publishers and Distributors, 1997, 283-287.
- Mitra, Abhijit and Amalesh Choudhury. Ocean dynamics and Biodiversity of drifting community. In: The Living Earth, School of Fundamental Research. Calcutta, 1997, pp. 35-38.
- Mitra, Abhijit and Amalesh Choudhury. Cybernatics and the Biological World with special reference to Coastal ecosystem. In: The Living Earth, School of Fundamental Research, Calcutta, 1997, pp. 48-52.
- Mitra, Abhijit and Amalesh Choudhury. Estuarine pollution in West Bengal -Search for an Ideal Biological Indicator. Sea Explorers. 1997, Vol. 4, 9-12.
- Niyogi, Soumya; Basu, Subhabrata; Mitra, Abhijit; and Amalesh Choudhury. Trace metal concentration in vegetative parts of Sonneratia apetala. Indian Journal of Environment Health, NEERI, 1997, Vol.39, No. 1, 69-72. YEAR: 1998.
- Mitra Abhijit. Status of coastal pollution in West Bengal with special reference to heavy metals. Journal of Indian Ocean Studies, 1998, Vol. 5, No. 2, 135 –138.
- Basu, Subhabrata; Saha, Shyamalendu Bikash; Niyogi, Soumya; Mitra, Abhijit and Amalesh Choudhury. Population dynamics of crustacean juveniles in the Hooghly estuary near Sagar Island, West Bengal. Environment and Ecology, 1998, Vol. 16, No.3, 616 – 622.
- Saha, Shyamalendu Bikash; Bhattacharyya, S.B.; Basu, S; Mitra, A; Zamadar, Y.A. and Amalesh Choudhury. Primary production and ecological efficiency of brackishwater shrimp culture in the vicinity of Sundarbans mangrove ecosystem. Journal of Aquaculture in the Tropics, 1998, Vol. 13, No. 2, 151 – 158.
- Mitra, A; Bhattacharyya, D.P; Choudhury, A and A. Misra. Heavy metals in the edible prawns Penaeus indicus from the brackishwater wetland systems near coastal region of West Bengal, India. In: Fundamental Open Problems in Science at the end of the Millennium, 1998, Volume I, Hadronic Press Inc., pp. 233-242.
- Mitra, A; Choudhury, A; Srimal, S; Das, K.L.; Sasmal, S.K. and D.P. Bhattacharyya. Influence of some physico-chemical variables on body weight and amoebocyte count of horseshoe crab. Journal of the Inland Fisheries Society of India, 1998, Vol. 30, No. 2, 86- 88.
- Mitra, A; Mandal, T; Sasmal, S.K. and D.P. Bhattacharyya. Inter-relationship between condition co-efficient (K) of Penaeus indicus and heavy metals from Kulti brackishwater pond, West Bengal, India. Journal of the Inland Fisheries Society of India, 1998, Vol. 30, No. 2, 1-8.
- Mitra, Abhijit. Ecological management of coastal waters – Some ways to convert expectation into reality. Seshaiyana, 1998, Vol. 6, No. 2, 2 - 3.
- Mitra, Abhijit and D.P. Bhattacharyya. Sources of oil pollution in coastal environment and its possible ecological impact. Journal of Indian Ocean Studies, 1998, Vol. 6, No. 1, 35 - 42.
- Mitra, Abhijt. Origin and evolution of deep sea fauna. Journal of Indian Ocean Studies, 1998, Vol. 5, No.3, 249 - 255.
- Mitra, A; Niyogi, S and A. Choudhury. Impact of wild harvest of prawn seeds on the community structure of juvenile fish in the coastal part of West Bengal. In: Living Resources of India’s Exclusive Economic Zone (Editors: S.Z. Qasim and G.S. Roonwal), Omega Scientific Publisher, 1998, 86 – 96.
- Niyogi, S; Mitra, A; Saha, S and A. Choudhury. Inter-relationship between diversity of prawn juveniles and mangroves in the coastal zone of West Bengal. In: Living Resources of India’s Exclusive Economic Zone (Editors: S.Z. Qasim and G.S. Roonwal), Omega Scientific Publisher, 1998, 97 - 102.
- Mitra, A; Bhattacharyya, D.P. and A. Misra. The effect of environmental variables on Cr and Pb in brackish water wetland system. Indian Journal of Physics, 1999, Vol. 73B, No.1, 105-109.
- Mitra, A; Mandal, T; Jamaddar, Y.A. and D.P. Bhattacharyya. Condition co-efficient (K) of Penaeus indicus in relation to heavy metals from Kanmari brackish water pond, West Bengal, India. Journal of Zoological Society, Calcutta, 1999, Vol. 52, No. 1, 10-15.
- De, T.K.; Mitra, A and D.P. Bhattacharyya. Physico-chemical characteristics of sewage polluted Kulti estuary, West Bengal, India. Environment and Ecology, 1999, Vol. 17, No. 4, 808-813.
- Mitra, Abhijit and D.P. Bhattacharyya. An ecological profile of Sundarbans ecosystem. Indian Journal of biodiversity, Vol II, No. 2, 1999.
- Sen, S. and Mitra, A. Aquaculture technology and coastal zone regulation: Search for harmony. Journal of FOSET, 1999.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Mandal, Timir and D.P. Bhattacharyya. Concentrations of heavy metals in Penaeus spp. of brackishwater wetland ecosystem of West Bengal, India. Indian Journal of Environment and Ecoplanning, 1999, Vol. 2, No. 2, 97 – 106.
- Mitra, A.; Mandal, T.; Jamaddar, Y.A.and D.P. Bhattacharyya. Condition co-efficient (K) of edible prawn and heavy metals from Kulti brackishwater pond, West Bengal, India. GEOBIOS, 1999, Vol. 26, No. 4, 187-190.
- Mitra, A and D.P. Bhattacharyya. The mysterious ocean floor. Journal of Indian Ocean Studies, 1999, Vol. 6, No. 2, 156 – 163.
- Choudhuri, R; Mitra, A; Mitra, Shampa; Sasmal, S.K. and D.P. Bhattacharyya. Zinc, copper and lead in seawater and saltmarsh grass from northeast coast of Bay of Bengal. Journal of Inland Fisheries Society of India, 1999, Vol. 31(1), 18-21.
- Mitra, A; Sasmal, S.K.; Mitra, Shampa; Choudhury, Amalesh and D.P. Bhattacharyya. Ichthyoplankton richness around Sagar Island, West Bengal, India. Journal of Inland Fisheries Society of India, 1999, Vol. 31(1), 38-42.
- Mitra, A; Srimal, Subita; Das, K.L. and A. Choudhury. Horseshoe crabs - A hidden treasure. Seshaiyana, 1999, Vol. 7(2), 1-2.
- Niyogi, Soumya; Mitra, Abhijit; Saha, Shyamalendu Bikash and Amalesh Choudhury. Interrelationship between diversity of prawn juveniles and mangroves in Sager Island, West Bengal, India. Proceedings of the Zoological Society, Calcutta, 1999, Vol. 52(2), 85- 88.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Mitra, shampa; Choudhuri, Rajat and D.P. Bhattacharyya. Baseline nutrient concentrations around fish landing stations in coastal West Bengal. Asian Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Environmental Sciences, 1999.
- Bhattacharyya, D.P.; Banerjee, Kakoli and Abhijit Mitra. Abundance and deformities of ichthyoplankton near industrial belt of coastal West Bengal. Proceedings of the New Millennium Conference, EMTRC, New Delhi, 1999, pp. 71.
- Bhattacharya, Mohor; Banerjee, Kakoli; Roy, Anindita; Mitra, Abhijit and D.P. Bhattacharyya. Preliminary study on the impact of oil and grease on fin fish juveniles around Haldia Port-cum-industrial complex. Journal of the Inland Fisheries Society of India, 1999, Vol. 31(2), 36-38.
- Saha, S.B.; Mitra, A; Bhattacharyya, S.B. and A. Choudhury. Heavy metal pollution in Jagannath canal, an important tidal waterbody of the north Sundarbans aquatic ecosystem of West Bengal. Indian Journal of Environmental Protection, 1999, Vol. 19 (11), 801-804.
- Mitra, Abhijit. The Northeast coast of the Bay of Bengal and deltaic Sundarbans. In: Seas at the Millennium – An environmental evaluation, Chapter 62 (Editor: Charles Sheppard, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK), Elsevier Science, 2000, 143-157.
- Bhattacharyya, D.P.; Banerjee, Kakoli and Abhijit Mitra. Atomic absorption spectrophotometric study of lead in the muscle tissue of Indian coastal fishes. Indian Journal of Physics, 2000, Vol. 74B (4), 271-273.
- Mitra, Abhijit. Microbial Treasure in Sundarbans Mangrove Ecosystem, West Bengal, India. National Symposium on Microbes in Bioremediation for an Eco-friendly environment in the New Millennium, 6 – 7 January, 2000; University of Madras, Chennai 600 025, p 43.Bhattacharya, M; Banerjee, K; Roy, A;
- Bhattacharyya, D.P.; De, T.K. and A.Mitra. Interrelationship between phytoplankton and ichthyoplankton diversity at the confluence of the river Hugli and the Bay of Bengal. National Symposium on Microbes in Bioremediation for an Eco-friendly environment in the New Millennium, 6 – 7 January, 2000; University of Madras, Chennai 600 025, p 16.
- Roy, A; Bhattacharya, M; Banerjee, K; Mitra, A; De, T.K. and D.P. Bhattacharyya. Metal Tolerance property of Pathogenic bacteria isolated from North East Coast of the Bay of Bengal. National Symposium on Microbes in Bioremediation for an Eco-friendly environment in the New Millennium, 6 – 7 January, 2000; University of Madras, Chennai 600 025, p 41.
- Niyogi, Soumya; Biswas, Sabyasachi; Mitra, Abhijit and Asoke G. Datta. Induction of Antitoxidant enzymes in barnacle, Balanus balanoides as biomarkers for short term toxicity tests. Ecotoxicology and Environmental monitoring, 2000, Vol. 10(1), 31-35.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Das Kiran Lal and Amalesh Choudhury. Ichthyoplankton richness around Haldia port-cum-industrial complex in relation to dissolved Zn and Cu. Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment, 2000, Vol. 4(1), 9-11.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Sasmal, Sanat Kumar and Amalesh Choudhury. Impact of heavy metals on ichthyoplankton richness around Nayachar island in Hooghly estuary. River Behaviour and Control, 2000, Vol. 25, 80-83.
- Bhattacharyya, S.B.; Nag, Mamata; Mitra, Abhijit and Amalesh Choudhury. Effect of salinity on the growth of brackish water cyanobacterial strains. Ecology, Environment and Conservation, 2000.
- Bhattacharyya, D.P.; Banerjee, Kakoli and Abhijit Mitra. Phytoplankton - The fuel of the marine environment. Seshaiyana, 2000, Vol.8, No.1, 6-7.
- Mitra, A; Sasmal, S.K.; Choudhury, A and D.P. Bhattacharyya. Seasonal variations of ichthyoplankton in mangrove ecosystem of Indian Sundarbans. Indian Journal of Environment and Ecoplanning, 2000, Vol. 3, No. 3, 535-538.
- Mitra, A; Mandal, T; Jamaddar, Y.A. and D.P. Bhattacharyya. Interrelationship between condition coefficient (K) of Penaeus monodon and heavy metals from a brackish water pond. Fishery Technology, 2000, Vol. 37 (1), 46-50.
- Das, Kiran Lal; Mitra, Abhijit and Amalesh Choudhury. Ecology of Sipunculus: Phascolosoma arcuatum (Gray) inhabiting mangrove substratum of deltaic Sundarbans, West Bengal. Seshaiyana, 2000, Vol.8, No.2, 16-17.
- Mitra, A; Srimal, Subita; Das, K.L.; Choudhury, A and D.P. Bhattacharyya. Copper concentration in water, sediment and haemolymph of horseshoe crab in deltaic Sundarbans, India. Proceedings of the Zoological Society, Calcutta, 2000, Vol. 53, No. 2, 84-87.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Das Kiran Lal and Amalesh Choudhury. Oyster farming - a unique approach to utilize our untapped marine resources. Journal of Indian Ocean Studies, 2000, Vol. 8, Nos. 1&2, 103-109.
- Majumder, Sabyasachi; Mitra Abhijit and Amalesh Choudhury. Use of benthic foraminifera as indicator of environmental stress. Proceedings of the National Seminar on "Protection of the Environment - An urgent need", 2000, 1-8.
- Banerjee Kakoli; Mitra, Abhijit, Bhattacharyya D.P. and Amalesh Choudhury. A preliminary study of phytoplankton diversity and water quality around Haldia portcum-industrial complex. Proceedings of the National Seminar on "Protection of the Environment - An urgent need", 2000, 15-18.
- Mitra, Abhijit and D.P. Bhattacharyya. Effect of dissolved Zn, Cr and Pb on the condition coefficient of edible prawn. Ultra Scientist of Physical Science, 2000, Vol. 12, No. 3, 408-411.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Banerjee, Kakoli and D.P. Bhattacharyya. Bioaccumulation of Cr by selective fishes of east Calcutta wetlands. Proceedings of the National Seminar on "Protection of the Environment - An urgent need", 2000, 9-14.
- Bhattacharya, S.B.; Mitra, A; Das K.L. and A.Choudhury. Condition factor of oyster in Sundarbans Biosphere Reserve, West Bengal, India. Seminar on Mangrove Macrobenthos, Mombasa, Kenya, 2000, p13.
- Das K.L.; Mitra, A and A. Choudhury. Study on the condition index of the endangered horseshoe crab in the mangrove ecosystem of deltaic Sundarbans. Seminar on Mangrove Macrobenthos, Mombasa, Kenya, 2000, 26-27.
- Mitra, A; Bhattacharyya, D.P. and A.Choudhury. Oyster culture - a solution to algal bloom around shrimp culture farm. Seminar on Mangrove Macrobenthos, Mombasa, Kenya, 2000, p 60.
- Mitra, A; Das K.L. and A.Choudhury. Macrobenthic molluscan diversity in deltaic Sundarbans in relation to physico-chemical variables. Seminar on Mangrove Macrobenthos, Mombasa, Kenya, 2000, p 61.
- Das K.L.; Ghosal, S.; Mitra, A; and A.Choudhury. Finfish juvenile diversity in the drifting community of Sundarbans Biosphere Reserve, West Bengal. National Seminar on Biodiversity conservation and management with special emphasis on Biosphere Reserve, EPCO, Bhopal, 2000, 196 –204.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Choudhury Anis; Mitra, Sreya and Sumit Mukherjee. Heavy metal concentration in Indian coastal fishes. Research Journal of Chemistry and environment, 2000, Vol. 4, No. 4, 35-37.
- Mitra, Abhijt; Majumder, Sabyasachi and D.P. Bhattacharyya. Impact of industrial wastes on the ichthyoplankton richness in Haldia port-cum-industrial complex. Journal of Biological Sciences, Vidyasagar University, 2001.
- Mitra, Abhijit and D.P. Bhattacharyya. Physical Processes of the coastal zone. Sea Explorers, 2001, Vol. 5, 25-29.
- Banerjee, Kakoli; Bhattacharyya, D.P.; Sabyasachi Majumdar and Abhijit Mitra. Seaweeds of the Indian coast. Sea Explorers, 2001, Vol. 5, 30-37.
- Mitra, Abhijit and D.P Bhattacharyya. Biological diversity of mangrove wetlands in Sundarbans and scope for alternative source of income. Everyman's Science, 2001, Vol. XXXVI, No. 2, 71-75.
- Banerjee, Kakoli; Mitra, Abhijit; Majumdar, Sabyasachi; Bhattacharyya, D.P and Amalesh Choudhury. Phytoplankton spectrum in Sundarbans. Journal of Indian Ocean Studies, 2001, Vol. 9, No. 1, 120-126.
- Banerjee, Kakoli; Mitra, Abhijit; Das Kiran Lal; Bhattacharyya, D.P and Amalesh Choudhury. Inter-relationship between phytoplankton diversity and chlorophyll concentration in the waterbodies around Lothian Island. Ultra Scientist of Physical Science, 2001.
- Bhattacharyya, D.P; Banerjee, Kakoli; Mitra, Abhijit; Das Kiran Lal and Amalesh Choudhury. UV spectrophotometric study of chlorophyll in the aquatic system of coastal waters in the North eastern Bay of Bengal. Indian Journal of Physics, 2001.
- Bhattacharyya, D.P; Mahapatra, B; Hadar, K.C.; Banerjee, Kakoli and Abhijit Mitra. Spectrophotometric analysis of heavy metals in coastal waters of West Bengal. Indian Journal of Physics, 2001, Vol. 75B, No. 2, 147-149.
- Saha, Shyamalendu Bikash and A. Mitra. Concentrations of Zn, Cu, Mn, Fe and Pb in various sources and their bioaccumulation in shrimp (Penaeus monodon) during rearing in semi-intensive system. Aquaculture, 2001, Vol. 2, No. 2, 159-164.
- Bhattacharyya, Ashim Kumar; Choudhury, Amalesh and Abhijit Mitra. Accumulation of heavy metals in commercially edible fishes of Gangetic West Bengal. Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment, 2001, Vol. 5, No. 1, 27-28.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Banerjee, Kakoli; Pal Sudipta; Majumdar, S; Mahapatra, B; Halder, K.C.; Das, K.L.; Choudhury, A and D.P. Bhattacharyya. Seasonal variations of phytopigments in the Northwestern Bay of Bengal. Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment, 2001.
- Banerjee, Kakoli; Mitra, Abhijit and D. P. Bhattacharyya. Abundance of microbial population in deltaic Sundarbans, W.B., India. Indian Journal of Environment and Ecoplanning, 2001, Vol. 5(3), 471-473.
- Majumdar, Sabyasachi; Mitra, Abhijit; Panda, U.C. and Amalesh Choudhury. Benthic foraminifera in evaluating environmental stresses in marginal marine environment – A case study. In : Ecology and Ethology of Aquatic Biota, Daya Publishing House, New Delhi, 2001, Vol. 5(3), 57-60.
- Saha, Shyamalendu Bikash; Bhattacharyya, S.B.; Mitra, A; Pandey, B.K. and Amalesh Choudhury. Physico-chemical characteristics in relation to pollution and phytoplankton production potential of a brackish water ecosystem of Sundarbans in West Bengal. Tropical Ecology, 2001, Vol. 42 (2), 199-205.
- Majumder, Sabyasachi; Mitra, Abhijit; Panda, U.C.; Choudhury, Amalesh and D.P. Bhattacharyya. Baseline studies of hydrological parameters in and around Digha, Northeast coast of India. Proceedings of National Seminar on Pollution in Bay of Bengal, 2002.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Banerjee, Kakoli; Pal, Sudipta; Majumder, Sabyasachi; Bhattacharyya, D.P. and Amalesh Choudhury. Study of pathogenic bacteria from the coastal West Bengal in search of their metal tolerance property. Proceedings of National Seminar on Pollution in Bay of Bengal, 2002, 23-29.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Banerjee, Kakoli; Sudipta, Pal; Neogi, Subhendu and D.P. Bhattacharyya. Seasonal variation of nutrients in and around Lower long sand, W.B., India. Ultra Science, 2002, Vol. 14(1), 7-10.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Banerjee, Kakoli; Choudhury, Amalesh and D.P. Bhattacharyya. Baseline nutrient concentration around fish landing stations in coastal West Bengal, Seshaiyana, 2002.
- Mitra, Abhijit. Concept of biodiversity and its benefit to the mankind. Science and Environment, 2002, 36-41.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Banerjee, Kakoli; Pal, Sudipta; Neogi, Subhendu and D.P. Bhattacharyya. Interrelationship between phytoplankton and fish seed diversity around Sagar Island. Indian Journal of Environment and Ecoplanning, 2002.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Banerjee, Kakoli; Pal, Sudipta and D.P. Bhattacharyya. Growth responses of cynobacterial strains to changing salinity. Journal of Current Sciences, 2002, Vol. 2 (1): 115-118.
- Banerjee Kakoli; Mitra, Abhijit; Bhattacharyya, D.P. and Amalesh Choudhury. Role of nutrients on phytoplankton diversity in the North east coast of the Bay of Bengal. In: Ecology and Ethology of Aquatic Biota (Editor Arvind Kumar), Daya Publishing House, 2002, Chapter 6, pp. 102-109.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Banerjee, Kakoli; Choudhury, Amalesh and D.P. Bhattacharyya. Taxonomy of coastal phytoplankton inhabiting polluted waters. In: Ecology of Polluted waters (Editor: Arvind Kumar), APH Publisher, 2002, pp. 1002-1008.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Aich, Amitava; Choudhury, Amalesh and D.P. Bhattacharyya. Macrobenthic molluscan spectrum in the coastal West Bengal. In : Ecology and Ethology of Aquatic Biota, Daya Publishing House, New Delhi, 2002, 319-322.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Kakoli, Banerjee; Amitava, Aich; Sabyasachi, Majumdar and Amalesh Choudhury. Present status of planktonic diversity in Indian Sundarbans. Seminar on Issues in Marine Biodiversity in South, South East Asia – Utilisation & Conservation, organised by Society for Indian Ocean Studies, Kolkata Chapter, Kolkata, 2003, 87-94.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Banerjee, Kakoli and D.P. Bhattacharyya. Ozone hole in the atmosphere – A serious threat to mankind. Everyman’s Science, 2003, Vol. XXXVIII, No. 1, 31-33.
- Mitra, Abhijit and D.P. Bhattacharyya. Environmental issues of shrimp farming in mangrove ecosystem. Journal of Indian Ocean Studies, 2003, Vol. 11, No. 1, 120-129.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Banerjee, Kakoli and D.P. Bhattacharyya. Phytopigment spectrum in relation to anthropogenic pressure around the Indian Mangrove Ecosystem. Indian Science Cruiser, 2003, Vol. 17, 29-36.
- Bhattacharyya, D.P.; Mahapatra, B; Banerjee, Kakoli and Abhijit Mitra. Application of Statistics in Marine Biology- A right choice is required. Sea Explorers, 2003, Vol. 6, 13- 20.
- Panja, Uttam; Majumdar, Sabyasachi and Abhijit Mitra. An ecological profile of Sundarbans ecosystem. Sea Explorers, 2003, Vol. 6, 21-27.
- Aich, Amitava and Abhijit Mitra. Influence of environmental parameters on richness of molluscan community at Shankarpur fish landing station of West Bengal coast. Sea Explorers, 2003, Vol. 6, 28-33.
- Gupta, Ananda; Majumdar, Sabyasachi and A. Mitra. Metal resistance of E.coli strains isolated from Shankarpur fish landing station, West Bengal, India. Sea Explorers, 2003, Vol. 6, 34-38.
- Banerjee, Kakoli, Mitra, Abhijit and D.P. Bhattacharyya. Phytopigment level of the aquatic sub-system of Indian Sundarbans at the apex of Bay of Bengal. Sea Explorers, 2003, Vo. 6, 39-46.
- Das Jayeeta; Halder, K.C., Banerjee, Kakoli, Bhattacharyya, D.P., and Mitra, Abhijit. Bioaccumulation of Zn, Cu and Pb in Catenella repens inhabiting the northern tip of Sagar Island, Sundarbans. Sea Explorers, 2003, Vol. 6, 63-68.
- Abhijit Mitra. Fish stock conservation in Indian Sundarbans: The resultant of responsible and irresponsible fishing. World Environment Day Special Publication, WWFIndia (WBSO), 2004. 132. Abhijit Mitra and Sudipta Ghosh. Sundarbaner Bastutantra (in Bengali), WWF- India (WBSO), 2004, 1-8.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Banerjee, Kakoli; Uttam Panja and D.P. Bhattacharyya. An overview of Indian Marine Fisheries. Indian Science Cruiser, 2004, Vol. 18, No. 3, 29-34.
- Kakoli Banerjee and Abhijit Mitra. Mangroves and Mangals: Ecological and Economical valuation. Journal of Indian Ocean Studies, 2004, Vol. 12, No.1, 132- 144.
- Mitra, Abhijit and Kakoli Banerjee. Threats to fishery resources of coastal West Bengal. Seshaiyana, 2004, Vol. 12 (1), 13 - 15.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Aich, Amitava and Kakoli, Banerjee. About Platanista gangetica: Ganges River Dolphin – Publication on Gangetic Dolphin Conservation Awareness Programme held on 28th September, 2004 at Kakdwip, Sundarbans, WWF- India (WBSO), 2004.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Banerjee, Kakoli and D.P. Bhattacharyya. Shark diversity of Indian coastal waters with special reference to Indian Sundarbans, Journal of Indian Ocean Studies, 2004, Vol. 12 (2), 329-336.
- Sengupta, T; De, D; Suganan, V.V; Mandal, S.K; Mitra, Abhijit and U.K. De. Predicting the outcome of stocking and optimal stocking density for culture based fisheries in small reservoirs in Tamil Nadu, India. Journal of Inland Fisheries Society of India, 2004, Vol. 36 (2), 19-24.
- Banerjee, Kakoli; Mukherjee, Debarati; Maiti, Arunima and Abhijit Mitra. Evaluation of the adverse impact of prawn seed collection at Diamond Harbour zone of coastal West Bengal. Sea Explorers, 2004, 65-70.
- Das, Sutapa; Banerjee, Kakoli; Mukherjee, Debarati; Banerjee, Subhas and Abhijit Mitra. Trace metal distribution in sediments of the West Bengal coast, India. Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences, 2005, Vol. 17(1), 65-70.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Banerjee, Kakoli; Raha, Atanu; Ghosh, Sudipto and D.P. Bhattacharyya. Status of shark community in coastal West Bengal, Indian Science Cruiser, 2005, Vol. 19 (2), 15-23.
- Das, Sutapa; Mitra, Abhijit; Banerjee, Kakoli; Mukherjee, Debarati and D.P. Bhattacharyya. Heavy metal pollution in marine and estuarine environment: The case of North and South 24 Parganas district of coastal west Bengal. Indian Journal of Environment and Ecoplanning, 2005, Vol. 10 (1), 19 –25.
- Dey, Mitali; Jamaddar, Yusuf Ali and Abhijit Mitra. Distribution of intertidal malacofauna at Sagar Island. Records of Zoological Survey of India: 105 (Part 1-2), 2005, 25-35.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Das, Anumita; Chakraborty, Rajib; Banerjee, Kakoli; Banerjee, Subhas and D.P. Bhattacharyya. Enteromorpha intestinalis – An indicator of heavy metal pollution in coastal environment, Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences, 2005, Vol. 17(2), 177-184.
- Banerjee, Subhas; Mukherjee, Debarati; Halder, K.C.; Banerjee, Kakoli; Abhijit Mitra. Bioaccumulation pattern of heavy metals in seaweed (Ulva sp.) of Indian Sundarbans. Seminar volume organized by RRL, Bhubaneswar on 3.12. 2005.
- Banerjee, Kakoli; Bhattacharyya, D.P. and Abhijit Mitra. Tiger prawn seed catch in coastal waters. Journal of Indian Ocean Studies, 2005, Vol. 13 (2), 276-280.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Banerjee, Subhas; Dash, S.N.; Mukherjee, Debarati and Kakoli Banerjee. Heavy metal level in edible prawns of West Bengal coast, India. Journal of Teaching and Research in Chemistry, 2005, Vol. 11 (2), 46-49.
- Banerjee, Kakoli; Das, Sutapa and Abhijit Mitra. Loss of ichthyoplankton due to wild harvest of shrimp seeds in Indian Sundarbans. Seshaiyana, 2005, Vol. 13, No. 1, 1-2.
- Chakraborty, Rajib; Raha, Atanu; Banerjee, Kakoli; Banerjee Subhas and Abhijit Mitra. Status of phytopigment in Indian Sundarbans. Sea Explorers, 2005, Vol. 7 and 8, 80-90.
- Aich, Amitava and Abhijit Mitra. Zonation of macrobenthic community on man made structures at three shores of northeast coast of India. Sea Explorers, 2005, Vol. 7 and 8, 96-104.
- Banerjee, Subhas; Das, Sutapa and Mitra, Abhijit. Study on the post-treatment status of painting industry effluent, Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences, 2005, Vol. 17(3), 463- 468.
- Banerjee, K; Mukherjee, D; Das, S; Banerjee, S and A. Mitra. Physico-chemical characteristics of coastal waters of West Bengal. Journal of Ecotoxicology and Environmental Monitoring. 2005.
- Banerjee, Kakoli; Bhattacharyya, D.P. and Abhijit Mitra. Ichthyoplankton community spectrum in coastal West Bengal: Threats and conservation. Indian Science Cruiser, 2005, Vol. 19 (5), 34 – 40.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Basu, Shibdas; Banerjee, Kakoli and Arnab Banerjee. Impact of tidal submergence on astaxanthin content of mangroves, Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences, 2006, Vol. 18(2), 117-122.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Banerjee, Kakoli; Chakraborty, Rajib; Banerjee, Arnab; Mehta, Navratan and Henrik Berg. Study on the water quality of the shrimp culture ponds in Indian Sundarbans. Indian Science Cruiser, 2006, Vol. 20, No. 1, 34-43.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Banerjee, Kakoli and Arnab Banerjee. Screening mangroves in search of astaxanthin. Seshaiyana, 2006, Vol. 14, No. 1, 1-2.
- Banerjee, Kakoli; Mitra, Abhijit; Chakraborty, Rajib; Das, Anumita and Debarati Mukherjee. Heavy metal concentrations in the edible crab Scylla serrata in the Malancha region of Indian Sundarbans. Sea Explorers, 2006.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Golui, Parbati; Banerjee, Arnab; Mondal, Debasis; Mukhopadhyay, Nibedita and Kakoli Banerjee. Mangrove fruit: A source of vitamin C. Indian Science Cruiser, 2006, Vol. 20, No. 3, 28-35.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Banerjee, Kakoli; Basu, Shibdas; Mukhopadhyay, Nibedita and Avijit Gangopadhyay. Oceanography for a better tomorrow. Journal of Indian Ocean Studies, 2006, Vol. 14 (2), 286-295.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Mukherjee, Arunava; and Banani Mandal. Notes on wasted ichthyoplankton due to wild harvest of tiger prawn seed from Junput (East Midnapur district), West Bengal. Journal of Environmental & Sociobiology, 2006, Vol. 3 (2), 171- 172.
- Mitra, Abhijit and Kakoli Banerjee. Oceanography: A journey in search of root. Indian Science Cruiser, 2006, Vol. 20, No. 5, 31-35.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Basu, Shibdas and Kakoli Banerjee. Interrelationship between hydrological parameters and chlorophyll a concentration in and around Indian Sundarbans. Indian Science Cruiser, 2007, Vol. 21, No. 2, 22-28.
- Zaman Sufia; Mukherjee, N; Banerjee, K and Abhijit Mitra. Microbial status of cultured shrimp from Indian Sundarbans. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of India, 2007, Vol. 77 (B), No. III, 288 – 291.
- Mukherjee, Arunava; Mandal, Banani Mitra, Abhijit and Kakoli Banerjee. Culture of Penaeus monodon using plant based additives in Indian Sundarbans. Journal of Environmental & Sociobiology, 2007, Vol. 4 (2), 199 – 204.
- Banerjee, Kakoli; Manna, Madhumita and Abhijit Mitra. Mangrove ecosystem: A natural antioxidant reservoir. Journal of Indian Ocean Studies, Society of Indian Ocean, 2007, Vol. 15, No. 125 – 132.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Basu, Shibdas; Banerjee, Arnab and Kakoli Banerjee. Culture of freshwater prawn using feed incorporated with salt marsh grass Porterasia coarctata in Indian Sundarbans. Seshaiyana, 2007, Vol. 15 (1), 16-17.
- Golui, Parbati; Banerjee, Kakoli and Abhijit Mitra. Enzymatic study of the crystalline style of two estuarine gastropods, Telescopium telescopium and Cerithedia obtusa of Indian Sundarbans. Indian Science Cruiser, 2007, Vol. 21, No. 3, 37-42.
- Mukherjee, Madhumita; Roy, Indranil; Chatterjee, Partha; Basu, Shibdas and Abhijit Mitra. Sea shell craft industry and possibilities of edible oyster culture in coastal West Bengal. In: Sunderban Wetlands, Chapter XVII, (Published by Department of Fisheries, Aquaculture, Aquatic Resources and Fishing Harbours, Govt. of West Bengal, 2007, 271- 284.
- Banerjee, Kakoli; Zaman, Sufia and Abhijit Mitra. Application of marine microbes for human welfare. Indian Science Cruiser, 2007.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Chakraborty, Rajib and Kakoli Banerjee. Monthly variation of Zn, Cu and Pb in and around Indian Sundarbans. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of India, 2008, Vol. 78, 234 – 245.
- Banerjee, Kakoli; Ghosh, Rajrupa and Abhijit Mitra. Oil Spill: A potential threat to marine and estuarine compartments. Indian Science Cruiser, 2008, Vol. 21, No. 3, 37-42.
- Banerjee, Kakoli; Biswas, Mahashweta and Abhijit Mitra. Astaxanthin level of mangroves in Indian Sundarbans. Science and Culture (Indian Science News Association), 2008, Vol. 74, (5-6), 207 - 210.
- Banerjee, Kakoli; Bhattacharjee, Riti; Amin, Gahul; Das, Somnath and Abhijit Mitra. Concentrations of dissolved Zn, Cu and Pb in and around Indian Sundarbans: A time series analysis. Science and Culture (Indian Science News Association), 2008, Vol. 74 (11 – 12), 476 – 482.
- Banerjee, Kakoli and Abhijit Mitra. Pulse of climate change in Indian Sundarbans: Impact on phytoplankton community. Environ, 2008, 46 – 55.
- Zaman, S; Bannerjee, K; Mukherjee, A, Mandal, B and Abhijit Mitra. Ichthyoplankton loss in coastal West Bengal. Zoological Research in Human Welfare, 2008, 203- 206.
- Banerjee, Kakoli; Mukhopadhyay, N; Ghosh, Rajrupa; Mitra, Abhijit and Avijit, Gangopadhyay. Endocrine disrupting chemicals in the marine and estuarine environment. Indian Science Cruiser, 2008, Vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 18-23.
- Banerjee, K, Ghosh, R; Chowdhury, M; Ghosh, R; Homechaudhuri, S and Abhijit Mitra. Spatial and temporal variations of elasmobranches in and around Indian Sundarbans. Zoological Research in Human Welfare, 2008, 117- 125
- Banerjee, Kakoli; Gangopadhyay, Avijit and Abhijit Mitra. Footprints of climate change in Sundarbans mangroves. Journal of Indian Ocean Studies, Society for Indian Ocean, 2008, Vol. 16, No. 1 & 2, 85 – 90.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Basu, Shibdas and Kakoli Banerjee. Seasonal variation in biochemical composition of edible oyster (Saccostrea cucullata) from Indian Sundarbans. Fishery Technology, 2008, Vol. 45 (2), 209 – 216.
- Banerjee, Kakoli; Ray, Debajyoti; Basu, Samita; Chakraborty, Bratati and Abhijit Mitra. A comparative study of Astaxanthin level in mangrove species. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of India, 2009, Sec. B, Vol. 79 (Pt.II), pp. 135 - 142.
- Mitra, A; Banerjee, K; Sengupta, K, and Avijit Gangopadhyay. Pulse of climate change in Indian Sundarbans: A myth or reality? National Academy of Science Letter, 2009, Vol. 32 (1 & 2), pp. 19-25.
- Chakraborty, R; Zaman, S; Mukhopadhyay, N; Banerjee, K and A. Mitra. Seasonal variation of Zn, Cu and Pb in the estuarine stretch of West Bengal. Indian Journal of Marine Science, 2009, Vol. 38, No. 1, pp. 104-109.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Zaman, Sufia; Chakraborty, Rajiib; Halder, Piu and Kakoli Banerjee. Abiotic indicators of climate change in Indian Sundarbans. Indian Science Cruiser, 2009, Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 53-56.
- Banerjee, Kakoli; Ghosh, Rajrupa; Homechaudhuri, Sumit and Abhijit Mitra. Seasonal variation in the biochemical composition of red seaweed (Catenella repens) in Indian Sundarbans. Journal of Earth System Science, Springer Verlag, 2009, Vol. 118, No. 5, pp. 497-505.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Sengupta, Kasturi and Banerjee, Kakoli. AILA and its impact on Gangetic delta. Environment Watch - A Newsletter of Indian Chamber of Commerce, 2009, pp. 5 – 6.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Zaman, Sufia and Kakoli Banerjee. Effects of Climate Change on marine and estuarine ecosystems with special reference to Gangetic delta. Journal of Indian Ocean Studies, 2009, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp.194-201.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Sengupta, Kasturi and Banerjee, Kakoli. Pilot analysis of carbon sequestration by dominant mangrove species in Indian Sundarbans. Proceedings of the All India Seminar on Global Warming – Corporate Responsibility. Institute of Engineers (India) on 11 and 12 th November, 2009, pp. 92-102.
- Mitra, A; Amin, Gahul; Chakrabarti, G and K Banerjee. Heavy metals in edible fish muscles from Gangetic delta – How safe for consumption? National Academy of Science Letter, 2009, Vol. 32 (11 & 12), pp.357-362.
- Mitra, A; Mukherjee, N; Jana, H.K.; Bandyopadhyay, D; Goswami, P and K Banerjee Bioaccumualtion pattern of heavy metals in Fish juveniles of Indian Sundarbans. Journal of Environment and Sociobiology, 2009, 6(2), pp.151-158.
- Zaman, Sufia; Banerjee, Kakoli and Abhijit Mitra. Impact of climate change on coastal aquifer. Seshaiyana, 2009, 17(3), pp. 2-3.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Gangopadhyay, Avijit; Dube, Anumeha; Andre, C.K. Schmidt and Kakoli Banerjee. Observed changes in water mass properties in the Indian Sundarbans (Northwestern Bay of Bengal) during 1980 - 2007. Current Science, 2009, Vol. 97, No. 10, pp. 1445-1452.
- Banerjee, Kakoli; Ghosh, Rajrupa; Homechaudhuri, Sumit and Abhijit Mitra. Biochemical composition of marine macroalgae from Gangetic delta at the apex of Bay of Bengal. African Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 2009, 1 (5-6), pp. 96-104.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Banerjee, Kakoli and Tarapada Mohapatra. Freshwater Prawn Farming in Sukinda Chromite Mines: A Source of Alternative Livelihood. Proceedings of the National Seminar on Fisheries based Livelihoods: Present Status, Problems and Prospects. The Livelihood School in collaboration with NABARD and Department of Fisheries, Govt. of West Bengal. 28-29 November, 2009. pp. 147-151.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Mondal, Kunal and Kakoli Banerjee. Concentration of heavy metals in fish juveniles of Gangetic delta of West Bengal, India. Research Journal of Fisheries and Hydrobiology, 2010, Vol. 5 (1), pp. 21-26.
- Mitra, Abhijit and Kakoli Banerjee. Pigments of Heritiera fomes seedlings under different salinity conditions: perspective sea level rise. Mesopotamian Journal of Marine Science, 2010, Vol. 25 (1), pp. 1-10.
- Banerjee, Kakoli; Sengupta, Kasturi and Abhijit Mitra. Impact of construction of Farakka barrage on fish community. Seshaiyana, 2010, Vol. 18 (1), pp. 2-3.
- Banerjee, Kakoli; Mitra, Abhijit and Kunal Mondal.Cost-effective and eco-friendly shrimp feed from red seaweed Catenella repens (Gigartinales: Rhodophyta). Current Biotica, 2010, Vol. 4 (1), pp. 23 - 43.
- Banerjee, Kakoli; Gangopadhyay, Avijit and Abhijit Mitra. Impact of climate change on Gangetic Delta. In: Climate Change: The Human Aspect (Ed. Krishan Saigal), Kalpaz Publications, Chawla Offset Press, Delhi, 2010, pp. 123-130. ISBN: 978-81-7835-832-1.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Banerjee, Kakoli; Ghosh, Rajrupa, and Saumya Kanti Ray. Bioaccumulation pattern of heavy metals in the shrimps of the lower stretch of the River Ganga. Mesopotamian Journal of Marine Science, 2010, Vol. 25 (2), pp. 1-14.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Chowdhury, Ranju; Sengupta, Kasturi and Kakoli Banerjee. Impact of salinity on mangroves of Indian Sundarbans. Journal of Coastal Environment, 2010, Vol. 1 (1), pp. 71-82.
- Ghosh, Rajrupa; Banerjee, Kakoli; Homechaudhuri, S. and Abhijit Mitra. Effect of formulated feeds on the growth and water quality of fresh water prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) farming: A case study from Gangetic Delta. Livestock Research for Rural Development, 2010, Vol. 22 (12), pp 1-11.
- Bhattacharyya, Subhrabikash; Panigrahi Akshaya; Mitra, Abhijit and Jaydeep Mukherjee. Effect of physico-chemical variables on the growth and condition index of rock oyster, Saccostrea cucullata (Born) in the Sundarbans, India. Indian Journal of Fishery, 2010, Vol. 57 (3), pp. 13-17.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Banerjee, Kakoli and Atanu Raha. Mangroves: A unique sink of carbon in the Tropics; Publicity Division, Directorate of Forests, Govt. of West Bengal, 2010, 1-32.
- Banerjee, Kakoli; Vyas, Pradeep; Chowdhury, Ranju; Mallik, Ajoy and Abhijit Mitra. The affects of salinity on the mangrove growth in the lower Gangetic delta. Journal of Indian Ocean Studies, 2010, Vol. 18 (3), pp. 389 – 397.
- Mitra, Abhijit. Mangroves of the Indian Sundarbans generate livelihood through alternative fish feed preparation, MFF Newsletter (IUCN), Nov-Dec issue, 2010, pp. 5-6.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Banerjee, Kakoli; and Subhasmitha Sinha. Shrimp tissue quality in the lower Gangetic delta at the apex of Bay of Bengal. Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry, 2011, Vol. 93 (3), pp. 565 – 574.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Sengupta, Kasturi and Kakoli Banerjee. Standing biomass and carbon storage of above-ground structures in dominant mangrove trees in the Sundarbans. Forest Ecology and Management (ELSEVIER DOI:10.1016/j.foreco.2011.01.012), 2011, Vol. 261(7), pp. 1325 -1335.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Halder, Piu and Kakoli Banerjee. Changes of selected hydrological parameters in Hooghly estuary in response to a severe tropical cyclone (Aila). Indian Journal of Geo Marine Sciences, 2011, Vol. 40(1), pp. 32- 36.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Banerjee, Kakoli and Kasturi Sengupta. Impact of AILA, a tropical cyclone on salinity, pH and dissolved oxygen of an aquatic sub-system of Indian Sundarbans. National Academy of Science Letters, India, 2011, Vol. 81 (Part II), pp. 198 - 205.
- Barua, Prabal; Mitra, Abhijit; Banerjee, Kakoli and M. Shah Nawaz Chowdhury. Seasonal variation of heavy metals accumulation in water and oyster (Saccostrea cucullata) inhabiting central and western sector of Indian Sundarbans. Environmental Research Journal, 2011, Vol. 5 (3), pp. 121-130.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Mondol, Kunal and Kakloi Banerjee. Effect of salt-marsh grass (Porteresia coarctata) diet on growth performance of black tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon. In: Diversification of Aquaculture (Chapter 21) published by Narendra Publishing House, 2011, pp. 219- 232.
- Mitra, A; Chakraborty, R; Sengupta, K and K. Banerjee. Effects of various cooking processes on the concentrations of heavy metals in common finfish and shrimps of the River Ganga. National Academy of Science Letters, India, 2011, Vol. 34 (3 & 4), pp. 161 – 168.
- Ghosh, Rajrupa; Banerjee, Kakoli and Abhijit Mitra. Eco-Biochemical studies of common seaweeds in the lower Gangetic delta. In: Handbook of Marine Macralgae: Biotechnology and Applied Phycology (Chapter 3) published by John Wiley and Sons. Ltd., 2011.
- Chowdhury, M.Sh.N; Hossain, M.S; Mitra, A and P Barua. Environmental functions of the Teknaf peninsula mangroves of Bangladesh to communicate the values of goods and sevices, Mesopotamian Journal of Marine Science, 2011, Vol. 26 (1), pp. 79 -97.
- Mitra, Abhijit; and Kakoli Banerjee. Trace elements in edible shellfish species from the lower Gangetic delta. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety (ELSEVIER DOI:10.1016/j.ecoenv.2011.04.031), 2011, Vol. 74, pp. 1512-1517.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Mondol, Kunal and Kakoli Banerjee. Spatial and tidal variations of physico-chemical parameters in the lower Gangetic delta region, West Bengal, India. Journal of Spatial Hydrology, 2011, Vol. 11 (1), pp. 62 – 69.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Choudhury, Ranju and Kakoli Banerjee. Concentrations of some heavy metals in commercially important finfish and shellfish of the River Ganga. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2012, Vol. 184, pp. 2219 – 2230 (SPRINGER DOI 10.1007/s10661-011-2111-x).
- Raha Atanu Kumar; Banerjee, Kakoli; Das, Susmita and Abhijit Mitra. Influence of suspended solid on in situ and ex situ chlorophyll a: a case study of Indian Sundarbans. Indian Journal of Geo Marine Sciences, 2012.
- Raha, Atanu; Das, Susmita; Banerjee, Kakoli and Abhijit Mitra. Climate change impacts on Indian Sunderbans: a time series analysis (1924 – 2008). Biodiversity and Conservation, 2012, (SPRINGER DOI 10.1007/s10531-012-0260-z).
- Mitra, Abhijit; Barua, Prabal, Zaman, Sufia and Kakoli Banerjee. Analysis of trace metals in commercially important crustaceans collected from UNESCO protected World Heritage Site of Indian Sundarbans. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 2012, Vol. 12, pp. 53 – 66 (DOI 10.4194/1303-2712-v12_1_07
- Mitra, A; Sengupta, Kasturi and K Banerjee. Spatial and temporal trends in biomass and carbon sequestration potential of Sonneratia apetala Buch-Ham in Indian Sundarbans. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India, Section B: Biological Sciences, 2012, Vol. 82(2), pp. 317 - 323 (SPRINGER DOI 10.1007/s40011- 012-0021-5).
- Mitra, Abhijit; Banerjee, Kakoli; Zaman, Sufia; Roy Chowdhury, Mahua; Sengupta, Kasturi and Saurav Sett. Matrix effects of natural and anthropogenic factors on the soil organic carbon status in the Indian Sundarbans. Journal of Coastal Environment, 2012, Vol. 3 (1), 41 – 54.
- Mitra, Abhijit and Sufia Zaman. Biochemical responses of Rhizophora mangle seedlings to changing salinity: climate change perspective. Indian Journal of Scholarly Research (ISSN: 2278-8271), 2012, Vol. 1(1), pp. 8 -11.
- Mitra, A; Banerjee, Kakoli and Saurav Sett. Spatial variation in organic carbon density of mangrove soil in Indian Sundarbans. National Academy of Science Letters, 2012, Vol. 35, pp.147 – 154 (SPRINGER DOI 10.1007/s40009-012-0046-6).
- Mitra, Abhijit and Kakoli Banerjee. Climate change in Indian Sundarbans: Impact on phytoplankton community. Indo-German Association Review (Issue 2011, published in 2012) pp. 31 - 35.
- Banerjee, Kakoli; Roy Chowdhury, Mahua; Sengupta, Kasturi; Sett, Saurav and Abhijit Mitra. Influence of anthropogenic and natural factors on the mangrove soil of Indian Sundarbans wetland. Archive of Environmental Science, 2012, Vol. 6, pp. 80 - 91.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Zaman, Sufia; Kanti Ray, Saumya; Sinha, Subhasmita and Kakoli Banerjee. Inter-relationship between phytoplankton cell volume and aquatic salinity in Indian Sundarbans. National Academy of Science Letters, 2012, (SPRINGER DOI 10.1007/s40009-012-0083-1).
- Jana, H.K.; Pati, B.R; Mondal, K.C; Mitra, Abhijit and Kakoli Banerjee. Studies on microbial load in sea water, sediment and edible oyster (Saccostrea cucullata) from Indian Sundarbans. Journal of Environment and Sociobiology, 2012, Vol. 9 (1), pp. 1-12.
- Raha Atanu Kumar; Banerjee, Kakoli; Das, Susmita and Abhijit Mitra. Influence of suspended solid on in situ and ex situ chlorophyll a: a case study of Indian Sundarbans. In: Climate Change and Island and coastal vulnerability (Edited by J. Sundaresan, S. Sreekesh, AL Ramanathan, L. Sonnenschein and R. Boojh), published by SPRINGER 2013, Chapter 12, pp. 179 – 190.
- Banerjee, Kakoli; Sengupta, Kasturi; Raha, Atanu and Abhijit Mitra. Salinity based allometric equations for biomass estimation of Sundarban mangroves. Biomass & Bioenergy, (ELSEVIER), 2013, Vol. 56, pp. 382 – 391.
- Raha, Atanu Kumar; Bhattacharyya, Subhra Bikash; Zaman, Sufia; Banerjee, Kakoli; Sengupta, Kasturi; Sinha, Subhasmita; Sett, Saurov; Chakraborty, Shankhadeep; Datta, Suhana; Dasgupta, Soumitra; Roy Chowdhury, Mahua; Ghosh, Rajrupa,; Mondal, Kunal; Pramanick, Prosenjit and Abhijit Mitra. Carbon census in dominant mangroves of Indian Sundarbans. The Journal of Energy and Environmental Science, 2013, Vol. No. 127, pp. 345 – 354.
- Mitra, Abhiit. Blue carbon: A hidden treasure in the climate change science. Journal of Marine Science Research & Development, 2013, Vol. 3 (2).
- Mitra, Abhijit; Raha, Atanu; Ghosh, Rajrupa and Kakoli Banerjee. A baseline study of temporal and spatial variations of physico-chemical variables in Gangetic delta. In: Estuaries of India (Edited by D.V. Rao, Laishram Kosygin and Swetapadma Dash) published by Nature Books India, 2013, Chapter 18, pp. 315 – 328.
- Bhattacharyya, Subhra Bikash; Roychowdhury, Goutam; Zaman, Sufia; Raha, Atanu Kumar; Chakraborty, Sankhadeep; Bhattacharjee, Asit Kumar and Abhijit Mitra. Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in Indian white shrimp (Fenneropenaeus indicus: A time series analysis). International Journal of Life Sciences, Biotechnology and Pharma Research (ISSN: 2250-3137), 2013, Vol. 2 (2), pp. 97 -113.
- Sengupta, K; Roy Chowdhury, M; Bhattacharyya, SB; Raha, A; Zaman, S; and A Mitra. Spatial variation of stored carbon in Avicennia alba of Indian Sundarbans. Discovery Nature, (ISSN: 2319-5703), 2013, Vol. 3 (8), pp. 19 -24.
- Mondal, K; Ghosh, R; Bhattacharyya, SB; Zaman, S; Mallik, A; Das, M and A Mitra. Partial replacement of fish meal with mangrove based plant ingredients and its effect on water quality, growth performance and length-weight relationship of freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii. Discovery Species, (ISSN: 2319-5746), 2013, Vol. 3 (8), pp. 15 - 21.
- Bhattacharjee, Asit Kumar; Zaman, Sufia; Raha, Atanu Kumar and Mitra, Abhijit. Impact of salinity on above ground biomass and stored carbon in a common mangrove Excoecaria agallocha of Indian Sundarbans. American Journal of Biopharmacology, Biochemistry and Life Sciences (ISSN: 2166-126X), 2013, Vol. 2 (2), 1 – 11.
- Bhattacharjee, Asit Kumar; Zaman, Sufia; Bhattacharyya, Subhra Bikash; Pramanick, Prosenjit; Raha, Atanu Kumar and Mitra, Abhijit. How mangroves respond to hypersaline condition? Preparedness for predicted sea level rise. International Journal of Scientific Research, 2013, Vol. 2 (6), 360– 364.
- Jana, Harekrishna; Zaman, Sufia; Chakraborty, Shankhadeep; Pramanick, Prosenjit; Mondal Keshab Chandra and Abhijit Mitra. Spatio-temporal variation of stored carbon in Porteresia coarctata along the east and west coasts of India. International Journal of Engineering and Management Sciences ((ISSN: 2166-126X), 2013, Vol. 4 (3), 377 – 381.
- Jana, Harekrishna; Mondal, Keshab, Chandra; Maity, Chiranjit; Ghosh, Kuntal; Mitra, Abhijit; Banerjee, Kakoli; Dey, Sankar and Bikas Ranjan Pati. Variation of antioxidant biomarkers in the edible oyster Saccostrea cucullata collected from three different waterbodies of Sundarbans. Chemistry and Ecology, 2013, 1 – 9.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Zaman, Sufia and Bhattacharyya, Subhra Bikash. Heavy metal pollution in the lower Gangetic ecosystem. In: Water Insecurity: A Social Dilemma (Edited by Md. Anwarul Abedin, Umma Habiba and Rajib Shaw) published by Emerald Group Publishing Limited (ISBN: 9781781908822), 2013.
- Zaman, Sufia; Bhattacharyya, Subhra Bikash; Pramanick, Prosenjit; Raha, Atanu Kumar; Chakraborty, Shankhadeep and Abhijit Mitra. Rising water salinity: A threat to mangroves of Indian Sundarbans. In: Water Insecurity: A Social Dilemma (Edited by Md. Anwarul Abedin, Umma Habiba and Rajib Shaw) published by Emerald Group Publishing Limited (ISBN: 9781781908822), 2013.
- Chakraborty, S; Zaman, S; Pramanick, P; Raha, A.K.; Mukhopadhyay, Chakravartty, D and A. Mitra. Acidification of Sundarbans mangrove estuarine system. Discovery Nature, (ISSN: 2319-5703), 2013, Vol. 6 (14), pp. 14 – 20.
- Zaman, Sufia; Raha Atanu Kumar and Abhijit Mitra. Signals of salinity fluctuation in Nypa fruticans seedling growth: A case study from lower Gangetic plain. Indian Journal of Forestry, 2013, Vol. 36 (3), pp. 327 – 331.
- Raha, Atanu Kumar; Zaman, Sufia; Sengupta, Kasturi; Bhattacharyya Subhra Bikash; Raha, Serilekha; Banerjee, Kakoli and Abhijit Mitra. Climate change and sustainable livelihood programme: A case study from Indian Sundarbans. The Journal of Ecology, 2013, Vol. No. 107, pp. 335 – 348.
- Abhijit Mitra and Sufia Zaman. How volcanoes cause climate change? In: National Seminar on Climate Change & Biodiversity (during November, 2013) organized by School of Biodiversity and Conservation of Natural Resources, Central University of Orissa, Orissa, Koraput, India.
- Zaman, Sufia; Bhattacharyya, Subhro Bikash; Alam, Md. Aftab; Jana, Harekrishna Jana; Roy Chowdhury, Mahua; Sinha, Subhasmita; Mondal, Kunal and Abhijit Mitra. Enhancement of Phytoplankton community of brackishwater system by iron fertilization. Journal of Coastal Environment, 2013. Vol. 4 (1), pp 1-14.
- Sett, Saurov; Manish, Chandan; Poirah, Indrajit; Dutta, Debjani; Mitra, Abhijit and Arup Kumar Mitra. Antifungal activity of Aegialitis rotundifolia extract pathogenic fungi Mycovellosiella. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 2013. Vol. 3 (1), pp 403 - 417.
- Jana Harekrishna; Maity Chiranjit; Das, Arpan; Pati, Bikas R; Mitra, Abhijit and Keshab C Mandal. Investigating the effect of storage temperature and hot-water treatment on the microbial dynamics in edible oyster (Saccostrea cucullata). International Journal of Postharvest Technology and Innovation, 2013, 3 (4), 382 – 391.
- Jana, Harekrishna; Mitra, Abhijit; Zaman, S; Bose, Rahul and Atanu Kumar Raha. Will Avicennia alba Thrive in Climate Change Induced Salinity Rise? International Journal of Scientific Research (ISSN: 2277 - 8179), 2014, Vol. 3 (2), 459 - 461.
- Jana, Harekrishna; Zaman, Sufia; Pramanick, Prosenjit; Mukhopadhyay, Nibedita; Bose, Rahul; Mitra, Abhijit; Ray Chaudhuri, Tanmay and Atanu Kumar Raha. Signal of Climate change through Decadal variation of Aquatic pH in Indian Sundarbans. Journal of Marine Science: Research & Development, 2014. S11:003.Doi: 10.4172/2155-9910.S11- 003.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Zaman, Sufia; Pramanick, Prosenjit and Kakoli Banerjee. Adaptive efficiency of Avicennia marina Seedlings to Climate Change induced Salinity fluctuation. International Science Journal, 2014, Vol. 1 (1), 126 – 132.
- Pramanick, Prosenjit; Zaman, Sufia; Bera, Debabrata; Raha, Atanu Kumar and Abhijit Mitra. Mangrove fruit Products: A search for alternative livelihood for Island dwellers of Gangetic delta. International Journal for Pharmaceutical Research Scholars, 2014, Vol. 3 (1), 131 - 137.
- Roy, Atanu; Pramanick, Prosenjit; Zaman, Sufia; Mitra, Abhjit and Atanu Kumar Raha. Proximate Analysis of three Brackishwater Fish Species Cultured in Artificial Tank: A Search for Climate Resilient Alternative Livelihood. International Journal for Pharmaceutical Research Scholars, 2014, Vol. 3 (1), 203 - 208.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Zaman, Sufia; Sett, Saurov; Raha, Atanu Kumar and Kakoli Banerjee. Phytoplankton cell volume and diversity in Indian Sundarbans. Indian Journal of GeoMarine Sciences, 2014, Vol. 43 (1), 1 – 8.
- Sett, Saurov; Kundu, Soumya; Das, Sneha; Mitra, Abhijit; Banerjee, Aninidita and Arup Kumar Mitra. Screening for the total phenolic content of selected mangrove species collected from Sundarban mangrove forest. International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences, 2014, Vol. 5 (1), 1157 – 1163.
- Sett, Saurov; Hazra, Jaylakshmi; Datta, Suhana; Mitra, Abhijit and Arup Kumar Mitra. Screening the Indian Sundarban mangrove for antimicrobial activity. International Journal of Science Innovations and Discoveries (ISSN: 2249-5347), 2014, Vol. 4 (1), 1 – 9.
- Bose, Rahul; Jana, Harekrishna: Zaman, Sufia and Abhijit Mitra. Study of the Microbial Health in and around the lower stretch of Hooghly Estuary. Journal of Marine Science: Research & Development (ISSN: 2155-9910), 2014, doi.10.4172/2155- 9910.S11-004.
- Raha, Atanu Kumar; Mishra, Amitava V; Das, Susmita; Zaman, Sufia; Ghatak, Sumita; Bhattacharjee, Sumana; Raha, Srilekha and Abhijit Mitra. Time Series Analysis of forest and tree cover of West Bengal from 1988 to 2010, using RS/GIS, for monitoring afforestation programmes. The journal of Ecology (Photon), 2014, Vol. 108, 255-265.
- Mitra, Abhijit and Rajrupa Ghosh. Bioaccumulation pattern of Heavy metals in commercially important fishes on and around Indian Sundarbans. Global Journal of Animal Scientific Research, 2014, Vol. 2 (1), 33 – 45.
- Das, Somenath; Mitra Abhijit; Zaman, Sufia; Pramanick, Prosenjit; Ray Chaudhuri, Tanmay and and Atanu Kumar Raha. Zinc, Copper, Lead and Cadmium levels in edible finfishes from lower Gangetic delta. American Journal of Biopharmacology, Biochemistry and Life Sciences (ISSN: 2166-126X), 2014, Vol. 3 (1), 8 – 19.
- Jana, Harekrishna; Maity, Chiranjit; Das, Arpan; Pati, Bikash R; Mitra, Abhijit and Keshab C Mondal. Investing the effect of storage temperature and hot water treatment on the microbial dynamics in edible oyster (Saccostrea cucullata). International Journal of Postharvest Technology and Innovation, 2014.
- Mitra, A; Zaman, S; Pramanick, P; Bhattacharyya, S. B and Raha, A. K. Stored Carbon in Dominant Seaweeds of Indian Sundarbans Peternika Journal of Tropical Agricultural Science, 2014, 37 (2): 263 - 274.
- Roy Chowdhury, Mahua; Zaman, Sufia; Jha, Chandra Sekhar; Sengupta, Kasturi and Abhijit Mitra. Mangrove Biomass and Stored Carbon in relation to Soil Properties: A Case Study from Indian Sundarbans, International Journal for Pharmaceutical Research Scholars (IJPRS), 2014, V-3, I-2, pp. 58-69.
- Nayak, B; Zaman, S; Devi Gadi, S; Raha, A.K and A. Mitra. Dominant gastropods of Indian Sundarbans: A major sink of carbon, International Journal of Advances in Pharmacy, Biology and Chemistry, 2014, Vol. 3(2), Apr-Jun, pp. 282-289.
- Zaman, Sufia and Abhijit Mitra. Warning Bell of Climate Change in the Lower Gangetic Delta, Research & Reviews: Journal of Ecology, 2014, Volume 3, Issue 1, pp.41- 45.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Ray Chaudhuri, Tanmay; Mitra, Ankita and Sufia Zaman, Loss of Carbon Credit through Radical Change in Land Use Pattern, Journal of Energy, Environment & Carbon Credits, 2014, Volume 1, Issue 1, 2014, pp. 1-4.
- Ray Chaudhuri, Tanmay; Fazli, Pardis; Zaman, Sufia; Pramanick, Prosenjit; Bose, Rahul and Abhijit Mitra. Impact of acidification on heavy metals in Hooghly Estuary, Journal of Harmonized Research in Applied Sciences, 2014, 2 (2), pp. 91-97.
- Mitra, A; Zaman, S; Jana, H; Ray Chaudhuri, Tanmay; Amin, Gahul; De, U.K. and Somnath Das. Status of heavy metal in the lower Gangetic delta: Implication of Acidification on compartmentation, Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 2014, 1 (2), pp 1 -4.
- Mondal, K; Bhattacharyya, Subhra Bikash and Abhijit Mitra. Performances of green seaweed Enteromorpha intestinalis, salt-marsh grass Porteresia coarctata and mangrove litter as prawn feed ingredients, Research Journal of Animal, Veterinary and Fishery Sciences, 2014, 2 (4), pp 17 -26.
- Zaman, Sufia; De, Utpal Kumar; Pramanick, Prosenjit; Thakur, Subhasree; Amin, Gahul; Fazli, Pardis and Abhijit Mitra. Forecasting heavy metal level on the basis of acidification trend in the major estuarine system of Indian Sundarbans, Journal of Energy, Environment & Carbon credits, 2014, 4 (2), pp 1 – 9.
- Ghosh. Rajrupa and Abhijit Mitra. Effect of Salinity on Nutritional value of saltmarsh grass (Porteresia coarctata) from Gangetic delta, northeast coast of India, Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Science, 2014, 44 (7), 1043-1052.
- Mitra, Abhijit: Pramanick, Prosenjit; Fazli, Pardis and sufia Zaman. Warming of Lower Gangetic Delta Water: An Alarming Trend. Journal of Environmental Science, Computer Science and Engineering & Technology, 2014, 3 (3), pp 1101-1110.
- Mondal, Kunal; Bhattacharyya, Subhra Bikash and Abhijit Mitra. Marine algae Enteromorpha intestinalis acts as a potential growth promoter in prawn feed. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 2014, 3 (5), pp 761 – 775.
- Trivedi, Subrata; Zaman, Sufia; Ray Chaudhuri, Tanmoy; Pramanick, Prosenjit; Fazli, Pardis; Amin, Gahul and Abhijit Mitra. Inter-annual variation of salinity in Indian Sundarbans. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Science, 2014. \
- Pramanick, Prosenjit; Jana, HareKrishna; Zaman, Sufia; Bera, Debabrata; Trivedi, Subrata and Abhijit Mitra. Microbial Status of mangrove fruit (Sonneratia apetala) jelly. International Journal of Universal Pharmacy and Bio Sciences, 2014, 3 (4), 221-227.
- Pramanick, Prosenjit; Zaman, Sufia; Pal, Nabonita; Biswas, Pavel; Fazli, Pardis and Abhijit Mitra. Nutritional status of common seaweeds in Indian Sundarbans. International Journal of Universal Pharmacy and Bio Sciences, 2014, 3 (5), 17-23.
- Zaman, Sufia; Pramanick, Prosenjit; Pal, Nabonita; Biswas, Pavel; Biswas, Saroni; Bera, Nimai and Abhijit Mitra. Stored carbon in dominant trees of urban area of Kolkata, India. Ideas & ideologies international e journal, 2014, 2 (7), 1 -7.
- Pramanick, Prosenjit; Zaman, Sufia and Abhijit Mitra. Processing of fruits with special reference to S. apetala fruit jelly preparation. International Journal of Universal Pharmacy and Bio Sciences, 2014, 3 (5), 36 – 49.
- Zaman, Sufia; Pramanick Prosenjit; Biswas, Manabendra; Mondal, Bulbul; Mukherjee, Swambhu Nath; Ganguly, Gurudas; Chakraborty, Diipta and Abhijit Mitra. Ecosystem services of mangrove associate floral species inhabiting Indian Sundarbans. International journal of Institutional Pharmacy and Life Sciences, 2014, 4 (6), 29 – 39.
- Banerjee, Kakoli; Amin, Gahul; Chakraborty, Shankhadeep; Pramanick, Prosenjit; Ghosh, Rajrupa; Fazli, Pardis; Zaman, Sufia; Biswas, Pavel, Pal, Nabonita and Abhijit Mitra. Bioaccumulation pattern of Heavy metals in saltmarsh grass (Porteresia coarctata) of Indian Sundarbans. Journal of Energy, Environment and Carbon credits (STM), 2014, 4 (3), 1 – 10.
- Pramanick, Prosenjit; Zaman, Sufia and Abhijit Mitra. A review on tropical seaweed diversity and benefits. Journal of Chemical, Biological and Physical Science, 2014, 4 (4), 3909 – 3920.
- Chakraborty, Shankhadeep; Zaman, Sufia; Fazli, Pardis and Abhijit Mitra. Bioaccumulation pattern of heavy metals in three mangrove species of Avicennia inhabiting lower Gangetic delta. Journal of Chemical, Biological and Physical Sciences, 2014, 4 (4), 3884 – 3896.
- Chakraborty, Shankhadeep; Trivedi, Subrata; Fazli, Pardis; Zaman, Sufia and Abhijit Mitra. Avicennia alba: an indicator of heavy metal pollution in Indian Sundarban estuaries. Journal of Environmental Science, Computer Science and Engineering & Technology, 2014, 3 (4), 1976 - 1807.
- Mondal, Kunal; Bhattacharyya, Subhra Bikash; Mitra, Abhijit and Madhusudan Das. Impact of different diet categories on muscle growth dynamics of freshwater Prawn, Macrobrachium Rosenbergii. International Journal of Advance Pharmaceutical and Biological Sciences, 2014, 4 (3), 01 – 07.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Parkhi, U.S.; Debnath, Subratta; Pramanick, Prosenjit; Fazli, Pardis and Sufia Zaman. Floral Biodiversity of Kalinganagar Project site, TATA Steel, Odisha, India. Journal of Environmental Science, Computer Science and Engineering & Technology, 2015, 4 (1), 234 - 247.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Pramanick, Prosenjit; Chakraborty, Shankhadeep; Fazli, Pardis and Sufia Zaman. Mangrove Health card; A case study on Indian Sundarbans. Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences, 2015, 8 (1), 31 – 35.
- Das, Subhashis; Zaman, Sufia; Rudra, Tanmoy; Pramanick, Prosenjit and Abhijit Mitra. Conservative pollutants in Ganges shark: A case study from the lower Gangetic delta region of Indian sub-continent. Journal of Chemical, Biological and Physical Sciences, 2015, 5 (2), 2122 - 2132.
- Pramanick, Prosenjit; Zaman, Sufia; Rudra, Tanmoy; Guha, Arnesha and Abhijit Mitra. Heavy metals in a dominant seaweed species from the islands of Indian Sundarbans. International Journal of Life Science & Pharma Research, 2015, 5 (2), 64 – 71.
- Trivedi, Subrata; Chakraborty, Shankhadeep; Zaman, Sufia; Pramanick, Prosenjit; Fazli, Pardis; Amin, Gahul and Abhijit Mitra. Impact of salinity on the Condition factor of commercially important fin fish in lower Gangetic delta. Journal of Environmental Science, Computer Science and Engineering & Technology, 2015, 4 (2), 473 – 480.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Parkhi, U.S.; Debnath, Subratta; Bagchi, Jayeeta; Pramanick, Prosenjit; Fazli, Pardis and Sufia Zaman. Soil characteristics in and around the Kalinganagar Tata Steel project site at Jajpur district, odisha. International Journal of Institutional Pharmacy and Life Science, 2015, 5 (3), 37 – 43.
- Guha, Arnesha; Zaman, Sufia; Mitra, Ankita; Rudra, Tanmoy and Abhijit Mitra. Variation of stored carbon in dominant seaweed species of Indian Sundarbans. Journal of Chemical, Biological and Physical Sciences, 2015, 5 (1), 979 – 989.
- Ghosh, Rajrupa and Abhijit Mitra. Development of Formulated Feed for Improving Growth and Pigmentation of Shrimp (Penaeus Monodon) Juveniles. Global Journal of Animal Scientific Research, 2015, 3 (2), 350 – 358.
- Abhijit Mitra. Oceanography: A Journey in Search of Root. Journal of Marine Science Research & Development, 2015, 5: e 132. Doi: 10.4172/2155-9910.1000e132.
- Sinha, Subhasmita; Banerjee, Kakoli; Zaman, Sufia and Abhijit Mitra. Interrelationship between Artificially Triggered Phytoplankton Bloom and Nutrient level in Brackish water ponds of Indian Sundarbans. Journal of Environmental Science, Computer Science and Engineering & Technology, 2015, 4 (1), 84 – 96.
- Abhijit Mitra. Health of Estuaries in the East Coast of the Indian Sub-continent. Annals of Marine Biology and Research, 2015, 2 (1), 1006.
- Shar, Alamgir; Shah, Syed Rahimullah; Rafi, Muhammad Ather; Noorrahim; Shah, MuZafar and Abhijit Mitra. Identification of the prevalent ticks (Ixodid) in goats and sheep in Peshawar, Pakistan. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies, 2015, 3 (2), 11 – 14.
- Das, Shayeri; Zaman, Sufia and Abhijjit Mitra. A study on the hydrological parameters and microbial load in the River Ganga, West Bengal, India. International Journal of Universal Pharmacy and Bio Sciences, 2015, 4 (2), 46 -54.
- Sinha, Subhasmita; Mitra, Abhijit; Zaman, Sufia and Kakoli Banerjee. Study on spatio temporal variations of phytoplankton cell volume from Indian Sundarban mangrove ecosystem. Species, 2015, 12 (34), 73 – 80.
- Agarwal, Suresh; Rudra, Tanmoy; Jana, Harekrishna; Guha, Arnesha; Bhowmik, Chadra Sekhar; Purkait, Kinsuk; Amin, Gahul; Zaman, Sufia and Abhijit Mitra. Concentration of Zinc, Copper, Lead and Cadmium in edible fin fishes of Coastal West Bengal, India. International Journal of Institutional Pharmacy and Life Sciences, 2015, 5 (1), 65 – 77.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Pramanick, Prosenjit; Parkhi, U.S.; Debnath, Subratta; Pal, Nabonita and Sifia Zaman. Leaf composition of cashew (Anacardium occidentale. L): A case study from the Jajpur district, Odisha. Journal of Chemical, Biological and Physical Sciences, 2015, 5 (3), 2634 – 2642.
- Purakait, Kinsuk; Zaman, Sufia; Rudra, Tanmoy; Pramanick, Prosenjit; Guha, Arnesha, Fazli, Pardis and Abhijit Mitra. Impact of climate change on the fin fish diversity in the lower Gangetic delta. Journal of Environmental Science, Computer Science and Engineering & Technology, 2015, 4 (2), 536 - 542.
- Roy, Atanu; Zaman, Sufia; Sinha, Subhasmita; Bera, Debabrata; Roy, Madhumita and Abhijit Mitra. Community structure analysis of phytoplankton in water bodies of East Kolkata wetlands. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Bio-Science, 2015, 4 (3), 261 – 268.
- Das, Subhashis; Zaman, Sufia; Pramanick, Prosenjit; Pal, Nabonita and Abhijit Mitra. Suaeda Maritima: A potential Carbon Reservoir of Coastal zone. International Advances Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology, 2015, 2 (5), 61 – 65.
- Jana, Harekrishna; Ghorai, Mrinmoy; Mondal, Keshab Chandra; Pati, Bikas Ranjan and Abhijit Mitra. Study on the effect of low temperature pasteurization and storage temperature on the microbial dynamics in fresh water prawn. Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences, 2015, 3 (6), 576 – 582.
- Ray Chaudhuri, Tanmoy; Banerjee, Kakoli; Zaman, Sufia; Chakraborty, Shankhadeep; Rudra, Tanmoy; Guha, Arnesha; Karmakar, Durgapada; Pramanick, Prosennjit; Fazli, Pardis and Abhijit Mitra. Diluted proxies of climate change in the inshore estuarine complex of Bay of Bengal; A case of overlapping noise and facts. Journal of Environmental Science, computer Science and Engineering & Technology, 2015, 4 (3), 601 – 614.
- Datta, Upasana; Zaman, Sufia and Abhijit Mitra. Floral Biodiversity of the fly ash dumpsite of Meja Thermal Power Station (MTPS), DVC, West Bengal, India. Journal of Environmental Science, computer Science and Engineering & Technology, 2015, 4 (3), 728 – 733.
- Abhijit Mitra. Future of Mangroves. Journal of Marine Science Research & Development, 2015, 5 (1), e135. Doi: 10.4172/2155-9910.1000e135.
- Das, Shayeri; Zaman, Sufia and Abhijit Mitra. Antimicrobial resistivity of the isolated coliform bacteria from the River Ganga. Journal of Environmental Science, computer Science and Engineering & Technology, 2015, 4 (2), 495 - 500.
- Abhijit Mitra. Compositional alteration of Fin Fish due to Climate Change induced Oscillation of hydrological parameters. International Journal of Aquaculture and Fishery Sciences, 2015, 1 (1), 104.
- Ghosh, Rajrupa; Trivedi, Subrata; Pramanick, Prosenjit; Zaman, Sufia and Abhijit Mitra. Seagrass: A store house of Carbon. Journal of Energy, Environment and Carbon Credits (STM), 2015, 5 (2), 23 – 29.
- Rudra, Tanmoy; Pramanick, Prosenjit; Devi Gadi, Subhadra; Fazli, Pardis; Zaman, Sufia and Abhijit Mitra. Decadal variation of true mangrove community structure in the lower Gangetic delta. Journal of Environmental Science, computer Science and Engineering & Technology, 2015, 4 (1), 8 - 15.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Trivedi, Subrata; Zaman, Sufia; Pramanick, Prosenjit; Chakraborty, Shankhadeep; Pal, Nabonita; Fazli, Pardis and Kakoli Banerjee. Decadal Variation of Nutrient Level in Two Major Estuaries in the Indian Sundarbans. Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences, 2015, Vol. 8 (3), 231-236.
- Banerjee, Rupa; Pramanick, Prosenjit; Zaman, Sufia; Pal, Nabonita; Mitra, Shampa and Abhijit Mitra. Impact of Urban vegetation on offsetting Carbon emission: A case study from the city of Kolkata. Journal of Environmental Science, Computer Science and Engineering & Technology, 2015, 4 (3), 814 – 818.
- Bhattacharyya, Sumana; Mitra, Abhijit and Atanu Kumar Raha. Stored carbon in Above Ground Biomass of dominant mangrove floral species in Sagar Island of Indian Sundarbans. Journal of Chemical, Biological and Physical Sciences, 2015, 5 (4), 4664 – 4672.
- Mondal, Kunal; Bhattacharyya, Subhra Bikash and Abhijit Mitra. Seaweed incorporated diet improves Astaxanthin content of Shrimp muscle tissue. Journal of Marine Science Research & Development, 2015, 5 (2), pp.161, doi:10.4172/2155- 9910.1000161.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Bagchi, Jayeeta; Thakur, Subhasree; Parkhi, U.S., Debnath, Subratta, Pramanick, Prosenjit and Sufia Zaman. Carbon sequestration in Bhubaneswar city of Odisha, India. International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, 2015, Vol. 4 (8).
- Bhattacharyya, Sumana; Banerjee, Kakoli; Pramanick, Prosenjit; Bagchi, Jayeeta, Mitra, Abhijit and Atanu Kumar Raha. Shannon Weiner Index: A proxy to evaluate the floral health of Indian Sundarbans. International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, 2015, Vol. 5.
- Pramanick, Prosenjit; Zaman, Sufia; Trivedi, Subrata; Debabrata, Bera and Abhijit Mitra. Seasonal variation of heavy metals in Catenella repens in Indian Sundarbans. American Journal of Biological and Pharmaceutical Research, 2015, 2 (4), 149 - 152.
- Abhijit Mitra. Generating wealth from waste: Water hyacinth based organic fertilizer. Terra Green, 2015, Vol. 7 (11), 43-45.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Parkhi, U.S.; Debnath, Subratta; Pramanick, Prosenjit; Datta Upasana and Zaman Sufia. Carbon storage by trees in Khrunti model plantation site of Tata Steel at Kalinganagar, Odisha (India). International Journal of Innovative Drug Discovery, 2015, Vol 5 (2), 82-87.
- Mitra, Abhijit and Roberto Cazzolla Gati. Carbon census in the mangrove ecosystem of lower Gangetic delta. Economology Journal, 2015, Vol V, 11-27.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Kakoli Banerjee and Roberto Cazzolla Gati. Do all mangrove species exhibit uniform resilience to climate change induced salinity alteration. Economology Journal, 2015, Vol V, 45-62.
- Banerjee, Kakoli and Abhijit Mitra. Mangrove biomass and salinity: Is the match made in heaven? International Journal of Biological Sciences and Engineering. 2015, 45-54.
- Ghosh, Rajrupa and Abhijit Mitra. Effect of salinity on nutritional value of saltmarsh grass (Porteresia coarctata) from Gangetic delta, northeast coast of India. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences.
- Jana, Harekrishna; Mondal, Keshab Chandra; Pati, Bikash Ranjan and Abhijit Mitra. Evaluation of anti-infective potential of fruits of common mangrove tree Sonneratia apetala against some selected pathogenic fungi and bacteria. International Journal of Herbal Medicine. 2015. Vol. 3 (2). 34-37.
- Abhijit Mitra. Study on stored carbon in dominant tress species in two major cities of India; An approach for a carbon free urban zone. EC Chemistry. 2015. Vol. 1 (2). 63- 66.
- Ghosh, Rajrupa and Abhijit Mitra. Suitability of Green Macroalgae Enteromorpha intestinalis as a feed form Macrobrachium rosenbergii. Journal of Fisheries & Livestock Production. 2015. Vol. 3 (3). 1-10.
- Amin, Gahul; Zaman, Sufia; Rudra, Tanmoy; Guha, Arnesha; Pal, Nabonita, Pramanick, Prosenjit and Abhiji Mitra. Spatio-Temporal variation of nitrate in the lower Gangetic delta water. International Journal of Innovative Studies in Aquatic Biology and Fisheries. 2015. Vol.1 (2). 1-8.
- Banerjee, Kakoli; Chakraborty, Shankhadeep; Paul, Rakesh; Bal, Gobinda; Zaman, Sufia; Pramanick, Prosenjit; Amin, Gahul; Fazli, Pardis and Abhijit Mitra. Macrobenthic molluscan diversity in the major intertidal zones of the maritime states of India. Journal of Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2015, Vol. 1 (1), 8 – 11.
- Agarwal, Sangita; Mitra, Ankita; Pal, Nabonita; Zaman, Sufia; Pramanick, Prosenjit and Abhijit Mitra. Perturbation in Dissolved Oxygen trend due to Super Cyclone Aila in the Lower Gangetic Delta Region. Journal of Environmental Science, Computer Science and Engineering & Technology. 2015, Vol. 4 (4), 939 - 943.
- Ghatak, Sumita; Mitra, Abhijit; Pramanick, Prosenjit and Atanu Kumar Raha. Stored carbon in the grassland habitat of Gorumara National Park, West Bengal, India. International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology. 2015, Vol 2 (10), 110 - 113.
- Zaman, Sufia; Agarwal, Sangita; Mitra, Ankita; Amin, Gahul; Pramanick, Prosenjit and Abhijit Mitra. Impact of Aila on the Dissolved Oxygen level in the Indian Sundarbans region. Journal of Energy, Environment and Carbon Credits (STM). 2015, Vol. 5 (3), 1 - 4.
- Mitra, Shampa; Fazli, Pardis; Zaman, Sufia; Jana, Harekrishna; Pramanick, Prosenjit; Pal, Nabonita and Abhijit Mitra. Molluscan community: a potential sink of carbon. Journal of Energy, Environment and Carbon Credits (STM). 2015, 5 (3), 1 - 4.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Trivedi, Subrata; Agarwal, Sangita; Biswas, Sujoy; Pramanick, Prosenjit and Sufia Zaman. Decadal Variation of Dissolved Oxygen in the Lower Gangetic Delta Water. International Journal of Aquaculture and Fishery Sciences. 2015.
- Amin, Gahul; Zaman, Sufia; Das, Shayeri; Pramanick, Prosenjit; Rudra, Tanmoy; Guha, Arnesha and Abhijit Mitra. Future trend of phosphate in and around the world Heritage site of Indian Sundarbans. Journal of Environmental Science, Computer Science and Engineering & Technology. 2015.
- Ghosh, Indranil; Mitra, Abhijit; Rudra, Tanmoy; Pramanick, Prosenjit and Partha Pratim Biswas. Bioaccumulation pattern of Heavy Metals by Gastropods: A case study from lower Gangetic delta. Journal of Environmental Science, Computer Science and Engineering & Technology, 2016, 5 (1), 99 – 102.
- Mitra, Ankita; Pramanick, Prosenjit; Zaman, Sufia; Fazli, Pardis; Pal, Nabonita and Abhijit Mitra. Response of Sonneratia apetala to salinity in the frame work of Indian Sundarbans. International Journal of Innovative Studies in Aquatic Biology and Fisheries, 2016, 2 (1), 1 – 5.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Rudra, Tanmoy; Guha, Arnesha; Ray, Aniruddha; Pramanick, Prosenjit; Pal, Nabonita and Sufia Zaman. Ecosystem service of Avicenia alba in terms of Carbon sequestration. Journal of Environmental Science, Computer Science and Engineering & Technology, 2016, 5 (1), 155 – 160.
- Datta, Upasana; Mitra, Abhijit; Zaman, Sufia; Pramanick, Prosenjit and Nabonita Pal. Bioaccumulation of heavy metals by dominant grassy species around Mejia Thermal Power Station. International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, 2016, 5 (2), 1457 - 1462.
- Roy, Atanu; Amin, Gahul; Agarwal, Suresh Kumar; Pramanick, Prosenjit; Banerjee, Anuradha; Roy, Madhumita and Abhijit Mitra. Water Quality Index of East Kolkata Wetland using Dissolved Oxygen as proxy. International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology, 2016, 3 (2), 22-24.
- Pramanick, Prosenjit; Zaman, Sufia; Rudra, Tanmoy; Guha, Arnesha and Abhijit Mitra. Comparative account of Heavy metal level in two species of Chlorophyceae inhabiting Indian Sundarbans. International Journal of Research in Chemistry and Environment, 2016, 6 (2), 65 – 68.
- Chakraborty, Arun; Datta, Upasana; Zaman, Sufia; Pal, Nabonita; Pramanick, Prosenjit; Mitra, Ankita and Abhijit Mitra. Spatio-temporal variation of stored carbon in Sonneratia apetala: a case study from Indian Sundarbans. International Journal of Innovative Research in science, Engineering and Technology, 2016, 5 (3), 2975 – 2980.
- Rudra, Tanmoy; Chakraborty, Shankhadeep; Chaudhuri, Ray Tanmay; Guha, Arnesha; Purakait, Kinsuk; Pramanick, Prosenjit and Abhijit Mitra. How safe is the edible Crab of lower Gangetic delta for consumption? International Journal of Trend in Research and Development, 2016, 3 (2), 127 – 132.
- Mitra, Abhijit and Sujoy Biswas. Plugging the unplugged Resources of the Mangrove Forest. EC Agriculture 1.S1, 2016, S1 – S3.
- Datta, Upasana; Mondal, Bishakha and Abhijit Mitra. Isolation of Phosphate Solubilizing Microorganism (PSM) from Reclaimed Fly Ash zone of Mejia Thermal Power Station (MTPS) and its Implication. International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology, 2016, 3 (1), 15 – 21.
- Roy, Atanu; Banerjee, Anuradha; Roy, Rima; Biswas, Sujoy; Roy, Madhumita and Abhijit Mitra. Decadal variation of major Nutrients in the aquatic phase of East Kolkata wetlands. International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, 2016, 5 (3), 2950 – 2957.
- Mondal, Asish; Chakravorty, Deepta; Mandal, Susmita, Bhattacharyya, Subhra Bikash and Abhijit Mitra. Feeding Ecology and Prey Preference of Grey Mullet, Mugil cephalus (Linnaeus, 1758) in Extensive Brackish water Farming system. Journal of Marine Science Research & Development, 2016, 6 (1), 1 – 5.
- Trivedi, Subrata; Zaman, Sufia; Ray Chaudhuri, Tanmoy; Pramanick, Prosenjit; Fazli, Pardis; Amin, Gahul and Abhijit Mitra. Inter-annual variation of salinity in Indian Sundarbans. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Science, 2016, 45 (3), 410 - 415.
- Banerjee, Kakoli; Amin, Gahul; Fazli, Pardis; Pramanick, Prosenjit; Zaman and Abhijit Mitra. Excoecaria agallocha: A potential Mangrove species in context to Carbon storage in high Saline zone. Journal of Environmental Science, Computer Science and Engineering & Technology, 2016, 5 (2), 115 - 120.
- Pramanick, Prosenjit; Bera, Debabrata; Banerjee, Kakoli; Zaman, Sufia and Abhjit Mitra. Seasonal variation of proximate composition of common seaweeds in Indian Sundarbans. International Journal of Life Sciences and Scientific Research, 2016, 2 (5) 570 -578.
- Dutta, Joystu; Saha, Arpita and Abhijit Mitra. Impact of acidification on heavy metal levels in a bheri of East KolkataWetlands (EKW), a Ramsar Site in the Indian subcontinent. International Journal of Advanced Research in Biological Sciences, 2016, 3 (11), 154 – 159.
- Thakur, Subhasree; Agarwal, Suresh Kumar; Pramanick, Prosenjit; Mitra, Shampa; Biswas, Pavel and Abhijit Mitra. Green patches as carbon reservoir: A case study from Dhruba Chand Halder College, West Bengal. International Journal of Advanced Research in Biological Sciences, 2016, 3 (11), 160 – 164.
- Mondal, Asish and Abhijit Mitra. Growth, food and feeding habit with prey preference of long whiskered catfish, Mystus gulio (Hamilton, 1822) in brackishwater traditional impoundments of Sundarban, India. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies, 2016, 4 (6), 49 – 58.
- Agarwal, Sangita; Zaman, Sufia; Biswas, Sujoy; Pal, Nabonita; Pramanick, Prosenjit and Abhijit Mitra. Spatial variation of mangrove seedling carbon with respect to salinity: A case study with Bruguiera gymnorrhiza seedling. International Journal of Advanced Research in Biological Science, 2016, 3 (8), 7 – 12.
- Trivedi, Subrata; Saha, Arpita; Rudra, Tanmay; Ray, Aniruddha and Abhijit Mitra. Stored carbon in common aquatic plants of Kolkata Megacity, India. International Journal of Engineering Science Innovation Research and Development, 2016, 3 (1), 77 – 79.
- Banerjee, Kakoli; Gatti, Roberto Cazzolla and Abhijit Mitra. Climate change-induced salinity variation impacts on a stenoecious mangrove species in the Indian Sundarbans. Ambio (Springer), 2016, 45 (7).
- Nayak, Bulti; Roy, Madhumita; Chaudhuri, Tanmay, Ray; Zaman, Sufia and Abhijit Mitra. Bioaccumulation of Heavy metals in sand binder Ipomoea pes-caprae: A case study from lower Gangetic delta region. International Journal of trend in Research and Development, 2016, 3 (2), 358 – 361.
- Nagabhatla, Nidhi; Sahu, Sobhan Kumar; Arain M, Altaf; Haque ABM, Mahfuzul and Abhijit Mitra. Explaning Climate Variability Vis-A-Vis Spatio-temporal interactions in Bangladeshi Exclusive Economic Zone (BEEZ). Journal of Earth Science & Climate Change, 2016, 7 (8), DOI: 10.4172/2157-7617.1000364.
- Mitra, Abhijit. Dirty Downstream Ganges: What fate is waiting? International Journal of Marine Biology and Research (Symbiosis), 2016, 1 (1), 1 – 4.
- Agarwal, Sangita; Banerjee, Kakoli; Saha, Arpita, Amin, Gahul and Abhijit Mitra. Can seaweed be a potential sink of carbon? International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology, 2016, 4 (8), 217 – 225.
- Chakraborty, Shankhadeep, Biswas, Sujoy, Banerjee, Kakoli and Abhijit Mitra. Concentrations of Zn, Cu and Pb in the muscle of two edible finfish species in and around Gangetic delta Region. International Journal of Life Sciences and Pharma Research, 2016, 6 (3), L-14 – L-22.
- Chakraborty, Arun; Mitra, Ankita; Guha, Arnesha; Ray, Aniruddha; Purkait, Kinsuk and Abhijit Mitra. How far the thrumb rule of estimating stored carbon in mangrove is valid? Global Journal of Environmental Science and Research, 2016, 3 (2), 95 – 101.
- Roy, Satarupa; Nayak, Bulti; Roy, Madhumita; Mitra, Abhijit; Halder, Devalina; Chatterjee, Annewsha; Chakrabortty, Sohini and trisha Chakraborty. Antimicrobial and Phytochemical Screening of Seaweeds: Enteromorpha intestinalis and Ulva lactuca collected from Indian Sundarbans. IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences, 2016, 11 (4), 4 (2), 1 – 5.
- Ghosh, Indranil; Maitra, Satyendranath; Biswas, Sujoy; Agarwal, Suresh and Abhijit Mitra. First record on seasonal variation od Heavy metal concentrations in Neritina (Dostia) Violacea (Gmelin) from Nayachar Island, West Bengal, India. Journal of Environemnatl Science, Computer Science and Engineering and Technology, 2016, 5 (2), 23 – 30.
- Chakraborty, Shankhadeep; Biswas, Sujoy; Pal, Nabonita; Zaman, Sufia and Abhijit Mitra. Mercury contamination in the ambient media in and around the World Heritage Site: Indian Sundarbans. International for Research in Applied science and Engineering Technology, 2016, 4 (7), 67 – 71.
- Roy, Atanu; Roy, Rima; Sarkar, Diganta; Roy, Madhumita and Abhijit Mitra. Hydrological parameters of East Kolkata Wetlands: Time series Analysis. International Journal of Life Sciences Scientific Research, 2016, 2 (6), 692 – 699.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Saha, Arpita; Pal, Nabonita Fazli, Pardis and Sufia Zaman. Allometry in S. apetala seedlings of Indian Sundarbans. International Journal of Recent Advances in Multidisciplinary Research, 2016, 3 (10), 1903 – 1909.
- Mondal, Asish; Bhattacharyya, Subhra Bikash; Mandal, Susmita, Purkait, Sanghamitra, Chakravartty, Deepta and Abhijit Mitra. Growth performances, feeding ecology and prey preferences of trade mullet, Liza tade (Forsskal, 1775) in extensive brackishwater farming system. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies, 2016, 4 (3), 436 – 443.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Saha, Arpita; Pal, Nabonita; Chakraborty, Arun; Mitra, Ankita; Trivedi, subrata and Sufia Zaman. Estimation of stored carbon in Sonneratia apetala seedlings collected from Indian Sundarbans. Indian Journal of Marine Science, 2016, 45 (11).
- Mondal, Asish; Purkait, Sanghamitra; Mandal, Susmita; Chakravortty, Deepta and Abhijit Mitra. Studies on growth, food and feeding Ecology with prey selection of large scale mullet, Liza macrolepis (Smith, 1846) in Brackishwater farming system, Sundarban. Trends in Fisheries Research (DAMA International), 2016, 5 (2), 1 – 15.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Sundaresan, J; Ali, Syed K; Pal, Nabonita; Datta, Upasana; Mitra, Ankita; Pramanick, Prosenjit and Sufia Zaman. Baseline Data of Stored Carbon in Spinifex littoreus from Kadmath Island, Lakshadweep. In: Carbon Utilization, Green Energy and Technology. DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-3352-0_6, Published by Springer, 2016, 1 – 7.
- Nayak, Bulti; Roy, Satarupa; Mitra, Abhijit and Madhumita Roy. Isolation of Multiple Drug Resistant and Heavy Metal Resistant Stenotrophomonas maltophila strain BN1, a Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria, from Mangrove Associate Ipomoea pes-caprae of Indian Sundarbans. Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology, 2016, 10 (4), 3131 – 3139.
- Agarwal, Sangita; Pramanick, Prosenjit; Zaman, Sufia, Roy, Atanu and Abhijit Mitra. Status of stored carbon in mangroves of lower Gangetic delta. In: Proceedings of National conference on “Technology and Environment” at Govt. polytechnic, Adityapur held during 17 and 18 December, 2017; published by Global Journal of Engineering Science and Researches, 2016, 7 – 16 pp.
- Roy, Atanu; Roy, Madhumita; Agarwal, Sangita; Pramanick, Prosenjit, Zaman, Sufia and Abhijit Mitra. Interrelationship between Hydrological Parameters and chlorophyll a Concentration in and around Indian Sundarbans. In: Proceedings of National conference on “Technology and Environment” at Govt. polytechnic, Adityapur held during 17 and 18 December, 2017; published by Global Journal of Engineering Science and Researches, 2016, 17 – 21 pp.
- Pramanick, Prosenjit; Zaman, Sufia; Roy, Atanu; Agarwal, Sangita and Abhijit Mitra. Climate Change scenario in Indian Sundarbans and search for alternative livelihood. In: Proceedings of National conference on “Technology and Environment” at Govt. polytechnic, Adityapur held during 17 and 18 December, 2017; published by Global Journal of Engineering Science and Researches, 2016, 22 – 25 pp.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Roy Chowdhury, Goutam and Tanmay Ray Chaudhuri. Finfish Juvenile Destruction in and around the World Heritage Site of Indian Sundarbans and Possible Mitigative Steps. Oceanography and Fisheries Open access Journal, 2017, 1 (4), 1 – 6.
- Roy Chowdhury, Goutam and Abhijit Mitra. Adaptation to Climate Change through Mangrove-Centric Livelihood. Journal of Marine Science: Research & Development, 2017, 7 (1), e145, doi:10.4172/2155-9910.1000e145.
- Mukherjee, Pritam; Nayak, Bulti; Mukherjee, Sonia; Aman Ansari, Ayesha; Paul, Madhurima; Roy, Madhumita and Abhijit Mitra. Bioaccumulation of Fe, Zn, Cu and Pb in the mangroves of western Indian Sundarbans. International Journal of Computer Science Engineering & Technology, 2017, 2 (5), 74 – 77.
- Chakravartty, Deepta; Mondal, Asish; Raychowdhury, Propa; Bhattacharyya, Subhra Bikash and Abhijit Mitra. Role of Aquaponics in the sustenance of coastal India– Aquaponics is a solution for modern agriculture in ecologically sensitive Indian mangrove Sundarbans: A review. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies, 2017, 5 (2), 441 – 448.
- Banerjee, Kakoli; Gatti, Roberto Cazzolla and Abhijit Mitra. Climate change-induced salinity variation impacts on a stenoecious mangrove species in the Indian Sundarbans. Ambio (Springer), 2017, 46,492 – 499.
- Mondal, Asish; Sundaray, Jitendra Kumar; Bhattacharyya, Subhra Bikash, Chakravartty, Deepta; Zaman, Sufia and Abhijit Mitra. Growth Performance, Feeding Ecology and Prey Preference of Bagrid Catfish, Mystus Tengara (Hamilton, 1822) in Low Saline Polyculture Ponds of Indian Sundarbans. International Journal of Aquaculture and Fishery Sciences, 2017, 3 (1), 001 - 008.
- Nayak, Bulti; Roy, Madhumita; Roy, Satarupa; Mondal Rana, Sandhimita; Zaman, Sufia and Abhijit Mitra. Bioaccumulation factor (BAF) of heavy metals in Ipomoea pescaprae: A case study from Indian Sundarbans. International Journal of Advanced Research, 2017, 5 (3), 10 – 15.
- Roy Chowdhury, Goutam and Abhijit Mitra. Traditional Halophytic Medicine: A New Era in the Health Care Canvas. Organic and Medicinal Chemistry International Journal, 2017, 2 (2), 555584. DOI: 10.19080/OMCIJ.2017.02.555584.
- Dutta, Joystu; Roy Chowdhury, Goutam and Abhijit Mitra. Bioaccumulation of Toxic Heavy Metals in the Edible Fishes of Eastern Kolkata Wetlands (EKW): the Designated Ramsar Site of West Bengal, India. International Journal of Aquaculture and Fishery Sciences, 2017, 3 (1), 18 - 20.
- Roy, Satarupa; Nayak, Bulti; Agarwal, Suresh Kumar; Roy, Madhumita and Abhijit Mitra. Seasonal variations of selected heavy metals in the soil of Barjora coal mine. International Journal of Advanced Research in Biological Sciences, 2017, 4 (2), 134 – 136.
- Mukherjee, Pritam; Nayak, Bulti; Mitra, Abhijit and Madhumita Roy. A comparative analysis of bioaccumulation of Fe, Zn, Cu and Pb between the vegetative parts of Suaeda nudiflora, a dominant mangrove associate species of Indian Sundarbans. Journal of Science, Engineering, Health and Management, Published by Techno India University, West Bengal, 2017, 1 (1), 16 – 19.
- Roy Chowdhury, Goutam; Zaman, Sufia; Pramanick, Prosenjit; Datta, Upasana; Pal, Nabonita; Biswas, Pavel and Abhijit Mitra. Pre-and post-cooking heavy metal levels in edible finfish species from lower Gangetic delta region. Journal of Science, Engineering, Health and Management, Published by Techno India University, West Bengal, 2017, 1 (1), 24 - 29.
- Roy Chowdhury, Goutam; Zaman, Sufia; Nayak, Bulti; Roy, Satarupa and Abhijit Mitra. Get Nutrition and Cool the Earth. International Journal of Advanced Research in Biological Sciences, 2017, 4 (3), 107 – 109.
- Roy Chowdhury, Goutam; Pal, Nabonita; Zaman, Sufia; Saha, Abhishek and Abhijit Mitra. Shrimp seed collection in Indian Sundarban Estuaries: A threat to overall estuaries Ecosystem Services. Journal of Environmental and Social Sciences, 2017, 4 (1), 1 – 3.
- Saha, Arpita; Ray Chaudhuri, Tanmay; Zaman, Sufia; Pramanick, Prosenjit; Saha, Abhishek and Abhijit Mitra. Evaluating and Ranking the Threats in the Indian Mangrove Forest Adjacent to Bangladesh Sundarbans. Organic and Medicinal Chemistry International Journal, 2017, 2 (4), 555595. DOI: 10.19080/OMCIJ.2017.02.555595, 1 – 4.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Ray Chaudhuri, Tanmay; Pal, Nabonita; Zaman, Sufia and Ankita Mitra. Oxygen Generation by Dominant Urban Trees: A Case Study from Konnagar Municipality, West Bengal, India. Biomed Journal of Scientific and Technical Research, 2017, 1 (1), 1 – 9.
- Mitra, Abhijit; J. Sundaresan, K. Syed Ali, Nabonita Pal, Upasana Datta, Ankita Mitra, Prosenjit Pramanick and Sufia Zaman. Baseline Data of Stored Carbon in Spinifex littoreus from Kadmath Island, Lakshadweep. In: Carbon Utilization: Application for the energy industry. Edited by Malti Goel, M. Sudhakar. Published by Springer, DOI 10.1007/978- 981-10-3352-0, ISBN 978-981-10-3352-0, 81-87pp, 2017.
- Banerjee, Kakoli and Abhijit Mitra. Horseshoe Crab: A Biogem of the Estuarine Ecosystem. MOJ Biology and Medicine, 2017, 1 (2), 00012, DOI:10.15406/mojbm.2017.01.00012.
- Chakraborty, Shankhadeep; Mitra, Abhijit and Sufia Zaman. Ecosystem services of dominant mangroves in Indian Sundarbans in context to phytoremediation. Journal of Science, Engineering, Health and Management, Published by Techno India University, West Bengal, 2017, 1 (2), 16 – 23.
- Datta, Upasana; Pal, Nabonita; Zaman, Sufia and Abhijit Mitra. Bioaccumulation Coefficient (BAC) of dominant vegetation in Mejia Thermal Power Station (MTPS). Journal of Science, Engineering, Health and Management, Published by Techno India University, West Bengal, 2017, 1 (2), 24 – 27.
- Chakraborty, Shankhadeep; Zaman, Sufia and Abhijit Mitra. Bioaccumulation of heavy metals by dominant oyster in Indian Sundarbans Journal of Science, Engineering, Health and Management, Published by Techno India University, West Bengal, 2017, 1 (2), 34 – 39.
- Datta, Upasana; Zaman, Sufia and Abhijit Mitra. Enrichment Factor and Translocation Factor of selective Heavy Metals in Saccharum spontaneum and Typha elephantina species growing in the fly ash ponds of Mejia Thermal Power Station (MTPS). Journal of Science, Engineering, Health and Management, Published by Techno India University, West Bengal, 2017, 1 (2), 40 – 44.
- Pramanick, Prosenjit; Zaman, Sufia; Bera, Debabrata, Biswas, Sujoy and Abhijit Mitra. Nutritional Characteristics of Enteromorpha compressa in Indian Sundarbans. Journal of Science, Engineering, Health and Management, Published by Techno India University, West Bengal, 2017, 1 (2), 45 - 47.
- Mukherjee, Pritam; Roy, Madhumita and Abhijit Mitra. Isolation and characterization of a multiple heavy metal-resistant, halorhizobacterium Oceanobacillus sp. strain Exo5 from Avicennia marina of Indian Sundarbans. Journal of Science, Engineering, Health and Management, Published by Techno India University, West Bengal, 2017, 1 (2), 48 - 53.
- Islam, Samimul; Saha, Abhishek, Zaman, Sufia and Abhijit Mitra. Threats to Ecosystem Services of Mangroves and its Associated Environment in Context to NorthEast Coast of India. International Journal for Innovative Research in Multidisciplinary Field, 2017, 3 (4), 255 – 262.
- Saha, Abhishek, Zaman, Sufia and Abhijit Mitra. Impact of Plate Tectonics to the Coastal Fisheries and Environmental Dynamics in the North-East Coast of India. International Journal for Innovative Research in Multidisciplinary Field, 2017, 3 (4), 136 – 140.
- Roy Chowdhury, Goutam; Agarwal, Sangita and Abhijit Mitra. Astaxanthin Pattern in Mangroves: A Case of Species-Specificity. Biomedical Journal of Scientific and Technical Research, 2017, 1 (1), 1 – 4.
- Roy Chowdhury, Goutam; Sengupta, Goutam; Saha, Arpita; Islam, Samimul; Zaman, Sufia and Abhijit Mitra. Threat Detection Technique in context to Mangrove Ecosystem of Indian Sundarbans. Annals of Marine Science, 2017, 1 (1), 28 – 31.
- Chakravartty, Deepta; Mondal, Asish; Raychowdhury, Sundaray, Jitendra Kumar; Bhattacharyya, Subhra Bikash and Abhijit Mitra. Quality of extensive brackishwater polyculture farm effluents at different production levels and its impact on receiving environment. International Journal of Innovative Studies in Aquatic Biology and Fisheries, 2017, Vol. 1 – 9.
- Mitra, Abhijit and Sufia Zaman. How Good Is Your Estuarine Water? Biomedical Journal of Scientific and Technical Research, 2017, 1 (2), 1 – 6.
- Jana, Harekrishna; Mitra Abhijit and Keshab Chandra Mondal. Comparative Study on the Anti-Microbial Activity, Anti-Oxidant, Anti-Diabetic and Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Fresh Water Molluscs (Bellamya bengalensis) and Marine Molluscs (Saccostrea cucullata). International Journal of Advanced Research, 2017, Vol. 5 (3), 16 – 23.
- Roy Chowdhury, Goutam; Biswas, Sujoy; Zaman, Sufia; Pal, Nabonita and Abhijit Mitra. Coastal Vision 2025: A Road map for developing Smart Island Ecosystem with special reference to Indian Sundarbans. Oceanography and Fisheries Open access Journal, 2017, Vol. 3 (3), 1 – 4, DOI: 10.19080/OFOAJ.2017.03.555613.
- Nayak, Bulti; Roy, Madhumita; Mitra, Abhijit; Roy, Satarupa and Sufia Zaman. Level of weak acid leachable heavy metals in the rhizosphere soil of Ipomoea pes-caprae: A time series analysis. Journal of Science, Engineering, Health and Management, Published by Techno India University, West Bengal, 2017, Vol. 1 (2), 48 - 53.
- Banerjee, Kakoli; Roy Chowdhury, Goutam and Abhijit Mitra. Astaxanthin level of dominant Mangrove Floral species in Indian Sundarbans. MOJ Bioorganic & Organic Chemistry, 2017, 1 (2), 1 – 5, DOI: 10.15406/mojboc.2017.01.00008.
- Nayak, Bulti; Roy, Satarupa; Roy, Madhumita; Zaman, Sufia and Abhijit Mitra. Isolation of moderately halophilic endophyic bacteria from vegetative parts of halophytic mangrove-associate species Ipomoea pes-caprae. Journal of Science, Engineering, Health and Management, Published by Techno India University, West Bengal, 2017, Vol. 1 (4), 13 - 20.
- Mondal, Asish; Sundaray, Jitendra Kumar; Bhattacharyya, Subhra Bikash; Pramanick, Prosenjit; Zaman, Sufia and Abhijit Mitra. Feeding ecology, prey selection and growth performances of gold spot mullet, Liza parsia (Hamilton, 1822) in extensive brackish water farming system of Indian Sundarbans. International Journal of Marine Biology and Research, 2017, Vol. 1 (3), 1 – 7.
- Roy Chowdhury, Goutam; Zaman, Sufia; Datta, Upasana; Pal, Nabonita and Abhijit Mitra. Entomophagy: A new Dimension towards Food Security. Organic and Medicinal Chemistry International Journal, 2017, Vol. 3 (1): 555603, 1 – 2.
- Roy Chowdhury, Goutam; Datta, Upasana; Zaman, Sufia and Abhijit Mitra. Ecosystem Services of Insects. Biomedical Journal of Scientific and Technical Research, 2017, Vo. 1 (2), 1 – 3.
- Roy Chowdhury, Goutam; Mukherjee, Pritam; Biswas, Pavel; RoyChowdhury, Roopali; Zaman, Sufia and Abhijit Mitra. Gateway for Alternative Protein Production. Biodiversity International Journal, 2017, Vol. 1 (2): 00008. Doi: 10.15406/bij.2017.01.00008, 1 – 2.
- Roy, Satarupa; Nayak, Bulti; Mitra, Abhijit; Roy, Madhumita and Sufia Zaman. Isolation and characterization of plant growth promoting obligate chemolithoautotrophic sulphur-oxidizing bacterium from Barjora coal mine soil sample. Journal of Science, Engineering, Health and Management, Published by Techno India University, West Bengal, 2017, Vol. 1 (4), 27 - 32.
- Das, Manju; Biswas, Sujoy; Zaman, Sufia and Abhijit Mitra. Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in edible fishes from Lower Gangetic delta. Journal of Science, Engineering, Health and Management, Published by Techno India University, West Bengal, 2017, Vol. 1 (4), 33 - 39.
- Mukherjee, Pritam; Zaman, Sufia; Mitra, Abhijit and Madhumita Roy. Bioaccumulation of Zn, Cu, Pb and Cd in the root and rhizosphere soil of Avicenniamarina: A case study from Indian Sundarbans. Journal of Science, Engineering, Health and Management, Published by Techno India University, West Bengal, 2017, Vol. 1 (4), 40 - 42.
- Pal, Nabonita; Zaman, Sufia and Abhijit Mitra. Variation of survival rate of mangrove flora due to salinity in Indian Sundarbans. Journal of Science, Engineering, Health and Management, Published by Techno India University, West Bengal, 2017, Vol. 1 (4), 51 - 54.
- Dutta, Joystu; Zaman, Sufia and Abhijit Mitra. Bioaccumulation of Toxic Heavy Metals in some commonly edible Vegetables grown in East Kolkata Wetland (EKW), the Designated Ramsar Site of West Bengal, India. Journal of Science, Engineering, Health and Management, Published by Techno India University, West Bengal, 2017, Vol. 1 (4), 51 - 54.
- Dutta, Joystu; Amin, Gahul; Zaman, Sufia and Abhijit Mitra. Seasonal pattern of heavy metals in vegetable and fish species collected from east Kolkata Wetlands (EKW). International Journal for Research in Multidisciplinary Field, 2017, Vol. 3 (8), 5 – 11.
- Datta, Upasana; Agarwal, Sangita; Zaman, Sufia and Abhijit Mitra. Bioaccumulation Factor (BAF) of heavy metals in selected Grassy species in Mejia Thermal Power Plant, West Bengal, India. Parana Journal of Science and Education, 2017, Vol. 3 (3), 23 – 28.
- Banerjee, Kakoli; Agarwal, Sangita; Pal, Nabonita and Abhijit Mitra. Bhitarkanika Mangrove Forest: A Potential Sink of Carbon. International Journal of Research Culture Society, 2017, Vol. 1 (7), 280 – 286.
- Biswas, Pavel; Ray Chaudhuri, Tanmay; Dutta, Pallavi; Das, Manju; Zaman, Sufia and Abhijit Mitra. Footprints of Climate Change on Fish Community of Mangrove Dominated Lower Gangetic Delta. Journal of Fisheries and Aquaculture Development, 2017, 5, 1 – 3.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Pal, Nabonita; Saha, Arpita; Ray Chaudhuri, Tanmay; Fazli, Pardis and Sufia Zaman. Survival rate of mangroves: A proxy to assess ecosystem health. Indian Journal of Geo Marine Sciences, 2017, Vol. 46 (10), 2046 – 2053.
- Agarwal, Sangita; Islam, Samimul; Zaman, Sufia and Abhijit Mitra. Carbon Stocks in the Mangrove vegetation of Lothian Wild Life Sanctuary of Indian Sundarbans: Implication for Climate Change Mitigation. Global Journal of Engineering Science and Researches, 2017, Vol. 4 (10), 1 – 9.
- Roychowdhury, Roopali; Roy, Madhumita; Zaman, Sufia and Abhijit Mitra. Bioaccumulation of Heavy Metals in Brassica Juncea: An Indicator species for Phytoremediation. International Journal for Innovative Research in Multidisciplinary Field, 2017, Vol. 3 (9), 92 – 95.
- Roy, Satarupa; Jana, HareKrishna; Nayak, Bulti; Zaman, Sufia; Roy, Madhumita and Abhijit Mitra. Quality of Cultured Shrimp from World Heritage Site of Indian Sundarbans in Context to Microbial Load. Fish & Ocean Opj, 2017, Vol. 4 (4); 555644. DOI: 10.19080/OFOAJ.2017.04.555644.
- Ray Chaudhuri, Tanmay; Dutta, Pallavi; Zaman, Sufia and Abhijit Mitra. Status of Edible Fishes of Lower Gangetic Delta In Terms of Heavy Metals. International Journal of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resources, 2017, Vol. 5 (3), 555661. DOI: 10.19080/IJESNR.2017.05.555661.
- Pal, Nabonita; Zaman, Sufia; Pramanick, Prosenjit and Abhijit Mitra. Impact of aquatic salinity on Mangrove Seedlings: A case study on Heritiera fomes (Common name: Sundari). Biomedical Journal of Scientific and technical Research, 2017, 1 (4), 1 – 5, DOI: 10.26717/BJSTR.2017.01.000348.
- Pramanick, Prosenjit; Trivedi, Subrata; Zaman, Sufia and Abhijit Mitra. How Bruguiera gymnorhizza seedlings respond to climate change induced salinity rise? Annals of Advances in Chemistry, 2017, 1, 47 - 52.
- Saha, Arpita; Pal, Nabonita; Amin, Gahul; Zaman, Sufia and Abhijit Mitra. Response of mangroves to climate change; A case study from the World Heritage Site of Indian Sundarbans. International Journal for Innovative Research in Multidisciplinary Field, 2017, 3 (9), 70 – 75.
- Banerjee, Kakoli; Bal, Gobinda; Pal, Nabonita; Amin, Gahul and Abhijit Mitra. Carbon sequestration by Mangrove vegetation: A case study from Odisha Bhitarkanika Wild Life Sanctuary (BWLS). Parana Journal of Science and Education, 2017, 3 (4), 1 – 9.
- Mukherjee, Pritam; Jana, HareKrishna; RoyChowdhury, Roopali; Nayak, Bulti; Roy, Madhumita and Abhijit Mitra. Are the Sundarban Prawns contaminated with Microbes? SciFed Journal of Analytical Biochemistry, 2017, 1 (1), 1 – 7.
- Pramanick, Prosenjit; Zaman, Sufia and Abhijit Mitra. Red Seaweed in Sundarban Mangroves can pave the Pathway of Alternative Livelihood. Scientific Federation Journal of Global Warming, 2017, 1 (1), 1 – 14.
- Pramanick, Prosenjit; Roy, Arunangshu; Roy, Sitangshu and Abhijit Mitra. Value addition to Rasgulla (a traditional Indian Sweet) through Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum) leaf extract. Parana Journal of Science and Education, 2017, 3 (5), 9 – 15.
- Agarwal, Sangita; Nabonita Pal; Zaman, Sufia and Abhijit Mitra. Role of mangroves in carbon sequestration: A case study from Prentice island of Indian Sundarbans. . International Journal of Basic and Applied Research, 2017.
- Agarwal, Sangita; Banerjee, Kakoli; Pal, Nabonita; Mallik, Kapileswar; Bal, Gobinda; Pramanick, Prosenjit and Abhijit Mitra. Carbon sequestration by mangrove vegetations: A case study from Mahanadi mangrove wetland. Journal of Environmental Science, Computer Science and Engineering & Technology, 2017, 7 (1), 16 – 29.
- Banerjee, Kakoli; Khemendu, Gopal Raj; Paul, Rakesh and Abhijit Mitra. Carbon storage potential in dominant trees of Koraput District of Odisha. In: Impact of Climate Change on Marine Environments, Published by Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd., V.P. Singh et al. (eds.), Energy and Environment, Water Science and Technology Library 80, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-5798-4_22, pp. 235 – 243.
- Mallick, Ajoy; Dutta, Joystu; Sultana, Palvin and Abhijit Mitra. Bioaccumulation pattern of heavy metals in vegatables collected from selected areas in and around Kolkata city (India). International Journal of Higher Education and Research, 2017, 7 (2), 121 – 134.
- Banerjee, Kakoli; Chakraborty, Shankhadeep; Paul, Rakesh and Abhijit Mitra. Accumulation of metals by Mangrove species and potential for Bioremediation. In: Chapter 10; Multifunctional Wetlands, Environmental Contamination Remediation and Management, published by Springer International Publishing AG, ISBN 978-3-319-67415-5, 2018, pp. 275-300, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-67416-2_10.
- Islam, Samimul; Biswas, Sujoy; Zaman, Sufia and Abhijit Mitra. Vulnerability assessment in the Western Indian Sundarbans Ecosystem. Techno International Journal of Health, Engineering, Management and Science, 2018, 2, 1 –4.
- Saha, Arpita; Zaman, Sufia; Fazli, Pardis and Abhijit Mitra. Assessment and scaling of threats on true mangrove floral community in and around Indian Sundarbans. Techno International Journal of Health, Engineering, Management and Science, 2018, 2, 5 – 9.
- Pal, Nabonita; Zaman, Sufia and Abhijit Mitra. Inter-relationship between Salinity and Chlorophyll level of Excoecaria agallocha seedlings. Techno International Journal of Health, Engineering, Management and Science, 2018, 2, 10 – 13.
- Bhattcharyya, Sumana; Raha, Atanu Kumar and Abhijit Mitra. Honey and Bee wax collection in Sunderban Tiger Reserve by fringe population. Techno International Journal of Health, Engineering, Management and Science, 2018, 2, 19 – 28.
- Bhattcharyya, Sumana; Raha, Atanu Kumar and Abhijit Mitra. Ecotourism revenue in Sunderban Tiger Reserve. Techno International Journal of Health, Engineering, Management and Science, 2018, 2, 29 – 34.
- Roychowdhury, Roopali; Zaman, Sufia; Roy, Madhumita and Abhijit Mitra. Isolation and Characterization of Arsenic and Cadmium resistant Brevibacillus sp. From Fly ash sample of Mejia Thermal Power Station (MTPS), West Bengal, India. Techno International Journal of Health, Engineering, Management and Science, 2018, 2, 35 – 39.
- Roychowdhury, Roopali; Zaman, Sufia; Roy, Madhumita and Abhijit Mitra. Study on the health of Hooghly estuary in terms of coliform load. Techno International Journal of Health, Engineering, Management and Science, 2018, 2, 40 – 47.
- Saha, Abhishek; Mitra, Abhijit and Sufia Zaman. Threats to fishery sector in Indian Sundarbans. Techno International Journal of Health, Engineering, Management and Science, 2018, 2, 51 – 56.
- Roy, Atanu; Trivedi, Subrata and Abhijit Mitra. Phytoplankton diversity in the World Heritage Site of Indian Sundarbans: An Overview. Examines in Marine Biology and Oceanography, 2018, 1 – 12.
- Banerjee, Kakoli; Khemendu, Gopal Raj; Paul, Rakesh and Abhijit Mitra. Carbon storage potential in dominant trees of Koraput District of Odisha. In: Impact of Climate Change on Marine Environments, Published by Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd., V.P. Singh et al. (eds.), Energy and Environment, Water Science and Technology Library 80, 2018, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-5798-4_22, pp. 235 – 243.
- Agarwal, Suresh Kumar; Fazli, pardis; Zaman, Sufia and Abhijit Mitra. Near surface Air temperature and carbon dioxide in Indian Sundarbans: A Time series Analysis. Parana Journal of Science and Education, 2018, 4 (1), 10-15.
- Mitra, Abhijit. Can Species serve as Proxy to Climate change induced Salinity alteration? Journal of Marine Biology and Aquascape, 2018, 1-3.
- Roy, Satarupa; Nayak, Bulti; Roy, Madhumita and Abhijit Mitra. Comparative study of seasonal variations of heavy metals and sulphur in soil and water of Barjora coal mine in West Bengal India. Pollution research, 2018, 37(2), 81-85.
- Trivedi, S; Datta, U; Zaman, S and Abhijit Mitra. Spatio-Temporal Variations of Heavy Metals in Edible Crabs Collected from the Lower Gangetic Delta Region. Petroleum & Petrochemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 2(1), 000141.
- Mukherjee, Pritam; Roy, Madhumita and Abhijit Mitra. Soil Organic Carbon regulation by anthropogenic activities and natural factors. Journal of Environmental Science, Computer Science and Engineering & Technology, 2018, 7(1), 089-096.
- Mitra, Arpan; Biswas, Sujoy; Pal Nabonita; Pramanik, Prosenjit; Datta, Upasana; Biswas, Pavel and Abhijit Mitra. Biomass and Stored Carbon in the Above Ground Structure of of Coconut tree. International Journal of Basic and Applied Research, 2018, 8, 60-65.
- Dutta, Pallavi; Zaman, Sufia and Abhijit Mitra. Bioaccumulation of selected heavy metals in tissue and organs of Oreochromis niloticus. International Journal of Basic and Applied Research, 2018, 8, 54-59.
- Roy, Satarupa; Roy, Madhumita; Pramanick, Prosenjit; Nayak, Bulti and Abhijit Mitra. Antimicrobial activity and phytochemical constituents of Bruguiera gymnorrhiza fruit collected from Indian Sundarbans, the designated World Heritage Site. International Journal of Green and Herbal Chemistry, 2017, Sec B, 8 (2).
- Mitra, Prosenjit; Pramanick, Prosenjit; Fazli, Pardis and Abhijit Mitra. Tidal dancing of hydrological parameters in the lower Gangetic delta region. Journal of Environmental Science, Computer Science and Engineering & Technology, 2018, 7 (2), 162 – 175.
- Saha, Arpita; Agarwal, Suresh Kumar; Pramanick, Prosenjit; Roy, Sitangshu; Zaman, Sufia and Abhijit Mitra. Spatial variation of mangrove diversity in Indian Sundarbans: A proxy to evaluate mangrove health to establish the concept of survival for the fittest. Parana Journal of Science and Education, 2018, 4 (3), 34 – 41.
- Pal, Nabonita; Fazli, Pardis; Pramanick, Prosenjit; Zaman, Sufia and Abhijit Mitra. Can Near surface air temperature act as proxy to Anthropogenic influence in the mangrove dominated Indian Sundarbans? Parana Journal of Science and Education, 2018, 4 (2), 61 – 68.
- Biswas, Sudeshna; Zaman, Sufia and Abhijit Mitra. Nutritional value of Ocimum sanctum. International Journal of Green and Herbal Chemistry, 2018, 7 (2), 200-203.
- Abhijit Mitra. Tulsi Rasgulla: An Innovation in the Indian dessert Panorama. Teragreen, 2018, 50-52.
- Saha, Abhishek; Pramanick, Prosenjit; Zaman, Sufia and Abhijit Mitra. Indian Sundarbans: An abode of brackish water fishes. Techno International Journal of Health, Engineering, Management & Science, 2018, 2 (3), 45 – 51.
- Pal, Nabonita; Saha, Arpita; Zaman, Sufia and Abhijit Mitra. Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) level of the inter-tidal mudflats in Indian Sundarbans. Techno International Journal of Health, Engineering, Management & Science, 2018, 2 (3), 64 – 68.
- Islam, Samimul; Saha, Abhisek; Zaman, Sufia and Abhijit Mitra. Distribution of organic carbon in mangrove soil of Sundarbans. Techno International Journal of Health, Engineering, Management & Science, 2018, 2 (3), 101 – 103.
- Mitra, Abhijit; Zaman, Sufia and Ricardo Gobato. Indian Sundarban Mangroves: A potential Carbon Scrubing System. Parana Journal of Science and Education, 2018, 4 (4), 7 – 29. 468. Agarwal, Suresh Kumar and Abhijit Mitra. Salinity: A Primary Growth Driver of Mangrove Flora. Current Trends in Forest Research, 2018, 2, 1 - 9.